How to Churn Out Two Blog Posts per Hour

0 comments, 28/10/2013, by , in General

Writers BlockOne of the biggest obstacles for any new blogger is the amount of time it can sometimes take to write a blog post or article. Those who have just jumped into the game will find that it can be frustrating and slow to create an individual blog post, let alone several. Practice makes perfect, but there is no need to struggle for weeks or months before you develop your own routine – particularly when such frustrations can lead to the abandonment of a well-intentioned project. The truth is that blog posts do not have to be abnormally lengthy nor incredibly detailed depending on the subject. If you have struggled with the creation of blog posts in a timely manner, then continue reading to find out how you can up your speed and expertise in order to create two blog posts per hour.

Develop a Template

While every blog post you make will not necessarily be subject to the same format, it can definitely be helpful to have a fairly uniform writing style for your blog. When you know how many words on average you will write for each article, how many words will make up the introduction and conclusion, and how many subheadings will be necessary in order to complete the article, you then only need to “fill in the blanks”. Whenever you are pinging search engines with this content, you will want to have subheadings and headings in order to make this content more prominent and index-friendly.

Provide a Solution

There is a common variable in terms of why most people search for content or read blogs: they want to find a solution to a problem. If you want to write quickly and provide solutions, then it may be beneficial to create blog posts that solve a problem or answer questions that your readers may have. This can come in the form of tutorials and how-tos, or as frequently asked questions pieces. Whatever the format, a blog post that provides a solution can be much easier to write than a piece that provides casual observations or seeks to balance both sides of an issue. If you have trouble with writer’s block or other frustrations, then consider using one of these formats as a way to quickly move from point A to point B.

Write from the Beginning (and the End)

It can sometimes be much easier to construct a blog post if you tackle the two components that allow for the most flexibility: the introduction and conclusion. An average blog post consists of three hundred to six hundred words, but the introduction and conclusion can easily comprise up to one-third of that. If you know the basic subject and premise of your blog post, you can easily construct the opening dialogue and the conclusion without much need for intense brainstorming or creative capabilities.


In order to churn out two blog posts per hour and be pinging search engines with content on a consistent basis, you will want to develop a template that can be used for most blog posts, stick with topics that provide solutions to a problem and write your introduction and conclusion from the start. This will help you fill in the blanks at a faster rate and be of valuable assistance to your readers.

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