Get the Most out of Your WordPress Installation with These Tips

Word PressAnybody who uses WordPress knows that its biggest advantage is the flexibility that is offered in the platform. With thousands of plugins and themes to choose from, users can quickly customize a WordPress installation to look exactly as they wish. Fewer people, however, delve into the more technical aspects that help WordPress run smoothly and ensure its content is picked up by search engines. If you want to gain the most efficiency from your website and are currently using WordPress, then there are a few simple tips that you will want to consider for your pages and blog posts. In the following article, we will outline these tips and explain what you can expect after you implement them.

Integrate Social Media and Blog

Whenever you publish a new post or create a new page, the ultimate goal should be for it to be seen by as many people as possible. It is amazing that in this day and age so many websites continue not to integrate social media into these elements. Especially helpful if you have posts and pages with a large amount of multimedia content, users will feel compelled to share this content with their family, friends and co-workers. While it is relatively easy to share any page via social media without an integrated Facebook or Pinterest button, you will not be able to track whether or not any shares have occurred without them. For those who are pinging URLs to search engines and want to be aware of the same on social media, having these options is a must.

Enable Google Authorship

One of the best ways to boost your WordPress’ performance and gain more traction with Google is to enable its Authorship service. This will allow you to connect your Google Plus profile to WordPress and automatically associate any new content published with your profile. This not only can help distribute your content to social media faster, but Google gives higher priority in search results to those who use it. This can also be done on a WordPress site where multiple authors are present, so there is no excuse not to add this perk today!

Configure RSS Publication

You may already have an RSS feed set up on your website, but have you taken advantage of this in conjunction with social media? There are a couple of tools now available that allow you to synchronize your RSS feed with any and all social media profiles in order to ensure that your content is published in a timely fashion. No longer will you have to worry about publishing content to each individual profile after you create it – WordPress can handle this and give you more time to use social media for other marketing purposes.


With a finely tuned WordPress installation, your website can be so much more than a simple blog or content portal. Your visitors expect great content, but search engines expect optimized infrastructure and readers appreciate being able to access content from multiple sources, including social media. With the outlined modifications above made to your WordPress installation, you can be pinging URLs to users on Facebook and Twitter, as well as Google and Bing!


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