How Google Shopping Ads Can Transform the Season for Online Retailers

0 comments, 18/11/2020, by , in Google, Marketing

With the holiday nearly upon us, it is vital to consider what impacts your marketing strategy will have. Whether utilizing paid and/or organic approaches, certain factors matter. Among them, overall reach, cost and quality of ad copy. From generic, organic ads on social media to paid campaigns in search engines, every strategy presents unique issues.

Targeting search engines – and more specifically, Google Shopping – can be a big boost during the holiday season for brands that might not otherwise be noticed. Google Shopping ads provide a valuable opportunity for online retailers to make an impression: let’s examine how this platform’s ads can help make the most for your brand this holiday season.

Negate Your Competitors’ Advantages

One of the biggest struggles any business in the world of online retail will face this holiday season is competition. With more people likely to shop from home than ever, businesses have to compete with one another in a more confined virtual space. This also includes traditional retailers forced to utilize more online ads to attract shoppers who’d usually shop in-person.

Google Shopping ads can help smaller retailers reach niche audiences by pinging links to products and services they find meaningful. This ultimately makes it more difficult for the competition to corner the market. While bigger retailers will undoubtedly have bigger ad budgets, getting in on the action via Google Shopping ads can ultimately turn an otherwise abysmal holiday shopping season into a great one.

Create Customized Labeling and Reporting

Some online ad solutions do not offer an immense amount of flexibility when it comes to segmenting ad campaigns based on products. Yet with Google Shopping, online retailers can easily create custom labels for more efficient spending outcomes.

Rather than having to rely upon a single campaign and/or ad group, Google Shopping users can easily segment products based on the value or price in question. For instance, electronics currently listed at $1000 can be grouped together, while those between $500 and $700 can be grouped in a separate category.

Custom labels allow for more segmentation than those based on sheer price alone, however. You may decide for instance to segment all of your best-performing products into a customized label, creating unique ad sets and accessing great reporting data about these products specifically.

Other Eye-Popping Features

As most retailers – both online and traditional – understand, sticking out and being noticed is crucial to selling products. With Google Shopping, your ads can be customized in such a way as to make them more noticeable.

One such example is the ratings element. You can enable product ratings to be displayed under your products, which will show its current average rating out of five stars. This can be a great way to build trust and attract the attention of shoppers (not to mention that it has an impact on Quality Score).

When used alongside bright imagery and great titles, you can easily attract new buyers just from pinging links to Google Shopping for the products you’re already selling!

Google Shopping ads can be an incredibly beneficial component of any marketing strategy during the holiday season. By negating competitor advantages, even the smallest brands can reach target audiences and generate big sales for this holiday season (and many more to come!).

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