Great Ideas for Content Marketing Automation

0 comments, 03/09/2015, by , in Marketing

Content FlowThere are many different ways in which to improve overall content marketing methods in today’s world of online interaction. The need to have content circulated and promoted across the web is paramount to a brand’s success, helping to separate the winners from the losers. Mere SEO will not be enough for most brands in the ever-increasing competition within niches, so the use of social media and on-site tools to expand success is absolutely crucial. There are several ways in which automation can help play a role in promoting content and providing new pathways to ensure that readers and visitors find and share more of what you produce. Below, we’ll provide some simple suggestions on how to use this process of automation to your advantage.

Content Suggestions

You have no doubt seen it many times on various blogs and websites: after reading an article, blog post or piece of content, a widget alongside the page or at the bottom of it will recommend several other pieces of content based on the current selection. This is a widely popular way in which to begin pinging URLs to readers and shoppers alike to additional forms of content that can be enjoyed and shared. By using algorithms to determine what people are currently reading or engaging with, you can maximize the number of people who continue to peruse content on your site. Other, secondary benefits to this approach include lower bounce rates and a maximized number of ads displayed to users, among other things.

Personalized Emails

While content marketing automation is inherently based on predicting what people will like rather than personalizing the experience at an individual level, you can still optimize the experience for users in a variety of ways! “Personalized” emails are one way in which you can compound the effects that we mentioned in regards to content suggestions. By monitoring what specific users have engaged with on your site and then following up with them in the form of content-relevant emails on occasions, you will be able to boost click through and engagement rates on emails, ensuring that more shares, likes and engagements with content is occurring.

Customer and User Analysis

Not all users, readers, subscribers and customers are created equally. In fact, most brands derive a large percentage of engagement from a relatively small number of individuals. Do you know which people fall into this category for your efforts? Content automation along the lines of appealing to “power users” is a sure-fire way to ensure your efforts are producing the most benefit. Your time is valuable – rather than appealing to large numbers of people who are relatively unlikely to engage with content, you can leverage content marketing automation to appeal to a smaller number of people who will engage more thoroughly, saving time and energy with pinging URLs. By using automation to determine not only who are your most important users, but also in the content distribution approach, you can streamline overall efforts and apply yourself more thoroughly on content creation.

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