Five Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog

1 comment, 21/12/2012, by , in General

Juggling the day-to-day operations of a business can prove to be very stressful. If you operate an online portal in addition to a regular storefront, the pressure can be even larger. Some feel that by adding a business blog to the already large amount of responsibility, they will either end up neglecting it or sacrificing elsewhere to make it successful. The truth is that business blogging is valuable, easy and fun if done the proper way. This article will outlay five different reasons why your business should be blogging about its products and services on a daily basis.

It’s Not Difficult

There are dozens of applications, programs and websites that allow businesses to quickly set up a blog on their servers or have it hosted remotely. In nearly all cases, you can have a functioning blog up and running in under an hour – even if you have no prior experience with blogging. If you want to create a blog hosted on your actual website, then you will need to either use the blogging option built into platforms such as WordPress or upload a similar software to a new directory. Whatever your needs, anyone who begins pinging servers for tutorials and how-tos will find plenty of documentation to make the process simple and straightforward.

It’s Not Time Consuming

Generally speaking, you can devise a long-term blogging plan that includes periodic scheduling of certain promotions and a framework for the structure of each post. Every blog post does not need to be large so long as it conveys a sense of value to the reader. If you would like to announce a new product or service on your blog, that can easily be summarized. Likewise, reviews and interactive dialogues can be done without much work at all. Most business bloggers can devote 15 minutes per day to the task and be successful.

People Read Blogs

As the dynamic of the internet has changed, more and more people are gaining information and developing opinions based on the input of blogs. Businesses that successfully broadcast a message about their product and interact with those who comment can create personal, demonstrable relationships and a sense to others that your company is both forward-thinking and attentive to its customers.

People Spend More Time on the Web

Even compared to just a few years ago, the amount of connectivity today is astonishing. People can easily view blogs while sitting on the train or at work; the prevalence of mobile technology has led to a revolution in this area. With the average person spending 2 hours more online today than they did 5 years ago, it makes sense to broaden your exposure via a blog.

Grow Feelers for Your Website

If you already have a traditional website, the traffic and backlinks you will gain from pinging servers will boost both the ranking of your site and blog in major search engines. As the two feed off of one another and grow, you will find an increasing amount of business coming in through either your website or blog – making the venture worth it in the end for those few extra minutes each day.

One comment

  1. December 23rd, 2012 16:06

    Great point I can add to your post, utilize employee if employee has passion and like to write about the topics..Blog can be great customer engagement tool..


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