Building a Core Content Strategy for Your SEO

0 comments, 05/08/2019, by , in SEO

At the center of any search engine optimization strategy is the need for content. Without a steady supply of content, people wouldn’t have a need to visit most websites online. Even with respect to online businesses that provide products and services, each page is a form of content in itself (though many also strive to provide additional content).

While you may know that you need content, knowing how to build a strategy that incorporates both your needs and that of your audience is a different story. To help you figure out the basics of how to build a viable content strategy, let’s look at a few tips and necessities .

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

Many of the most successful online brands that are known for their content have managed to secure their positions due to a regular content schedule. Publishing content on a recurring basis is good for traffic: when people know you’re publishing new content, they’re more likely to check back for it.

However, all too many make the mistake of assuming regularity and schedules mean frequent content creation is needed. While publishing content as often as possible is recommended, a better overall strategy is to focus intently on the content you do create and ensure its quality is optimal. Not only will readers find what you say to be more valuable, but search engines will as well.

Devise Methods for Recurring Content Visibility

If you think that merely creating content and pinging links to search engines is the entire process, then you’re sorely mistaken. One of the building blocks of any core content strategy is to ensure that the best content is seen over and over again. In some cases, people won’t bother reading a particular article or watch a specific video the first time they see it. In other cases, they may begin digesting the content but get sidetracked.

Likewise, most successful content doesn’t find immediate traction through one channel or platform. By using a combination of website plugins, social media, email marketing and even PPC campaigns, you can ensure that your premium content is widely seen and is generating the maximum amount of traffic, shares and attention.

Develop a Content Distribution Routine

Last but not least – and as alluded to above – the need for distributing your content as far and as wide as possible is crucial to any core content strategy. Many brands use various forms of automation to distribute their content across multiple social media networks as once, whether that be pinging links via tweet or generating ad campaigns for the latest post on Facebook.

You can ensure that each piece of content generates as much buzz as possible by developing a master plan for distribution. Whether you prefer to manually post on each platform for optimal results or publish everywhere automatically at once, know ahead of time how the process is going to unfold. By doing so, you’ll ensure that you are maximizing content visibility without stressing yourself out.

Before you can truly be successful with any content strategy, formulating a process that’s routine and reliable is mandatory. By forming a content distribution routine, ensuring that you can recycle, repost and repurpose content periodically, and focusing on quality, you’ll generate the kind of content that people are dying to read.


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