Firefox 5 – Addon Update

4 comments, 23/06/2011, by , in News

Firefox 5 has now been released and we have updated our addon to version 1.4 in line with the upgrade from Firefox.

You may download our latest addon for Firefox 5 here  Pingler Firefox Plugin

Firefox 5


  1. June 26th, 2011 16:49

    thanks for update this addon.. i really need this addon..


  2. June 28th, 2011 4:59

    Thanks For sharing best information about Firefox 5. I use always Mozilla fire fox. Your info is great for me.


  3. Ed
    July 25th, 2011 19:05

    Thanks for the updated plug-in. It makes using Pingler more convenient.


  4. Air T.
    August 17th, 2011 12:54

    Hi! We need a new update of a Pingler Addon for a new Firefox 6.0! Pingler Firefox Plugin is one of better addons for Firefox users! Greatly appreciated!


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