Why You Should Download the Pingler Firefox Plugin

1 comment, 05/12/2011, by , in Plugins and Tools

Pingler LogoTowards the end of last week, we gave you news of an important announcement concerning upgrades to the Pingler plugins.  Among these was the Pingler Firefox Plugin, so if you haven’t downloaded it already make sure to visit our download page and upgrade to the latest version as previous versions of the plugin are now ineffective.  Today we want to talk to you about what the Pingler Firefox Plugin is and why you should download it if Firefox is your browser of choice.

What is the Pingler Firefox Plugin?

Put simply, the Pingler plugins are tools which can help you to increase the rate at which your pages are indexed in the search engines.  The pinging system enables us to notify the search engines of your newly updated pages.  When you consider how long it can take for a search engine spider to crawl your website and find new pages, you will see how effective the Pingler plugins can be.

The Pingler Firefox Plugin is available as a free download and is very easy to set up.  Once installed you can “ping” on the go through your Firefox web browser; for example, if you have just posted a new blog all you need to do is visit your new URL in your Firefox web browser and click on the Pingler icon.  Within minutes your webpage will be pinged to the search engines and a multitude of blog and website directories.

It’s Completely Free

Unlike most other companies who will give you a seven day trial or a limited number of pings before charging you, we at Pingler offer our Firefox Plugin absolutely free of charge.  The free version of our software enables you to ping anywhere up to 5 new articles or blog posts a day and is ideal for people who run small blogs or websites.  If you run large websites and publish a large number of articles daily or if you run an SEO company and again need more than five pings, there are a number of packages that you can sign up for which will increase the number of pings you are entitled to.

We suggest signing up for the free version and seeing the benefits of the Pingler Firefox plugin for yourself.  When you start to see your traffic increase, only you will be able to decide whether five pings a day is enough or whether you would prefer to change to a paid subscription.

Lots of Benefits

The main benefit that comes with using the Pingler Firefox Plugin is an increase in traffic.  If you constantly publish fresh content, there really is no better way to increase your traffic than by getting your content onto the search engines, this is what the Pingler Firefox Plugin does, and it does it well!  Many people swear by our service, so if you want to join in and see what the fuss is about, download the Pingler Firefox Plugin today and get started.  It really is very simple and very effective.

One comment

  1. December 11th, 2011 7:52

    Thanks so much for these fantastic plugins. Your help in getting our customers found in Google is very much appreciated.


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