Increase Your Facebook Engagement Through Promotions

0 comments, 22/05/2013, by , in Marketing

Blue PromotionsThe platform that Facebook offers it users – as well as businesses and organizations – is simply unprecedented. Now standing at over one billion members, Facebook is perhaps the most integrated form of communication in the world when it comes to cost, scope and interconnectedness. Whether your business or website has just recently started to engage on Facebook or you are well-established on the social network, increasing your followers’ level of engagement through promotions is a sure-fire way to maintain growth and activity. Below, we will outline some of the different ways you can build closer relationships with your Facebook base.

Special Offers

There are quite a few applications that can be integrated within Facebook to allow you to create a special section of your Facebook page for special offers. Some ideas for special offers include discounts on products and services and high-valued information about your brand not available elsewhere. This type of feature is often used to encourage friends of followers along with fresh faces to ‘Like’ your page or otherwise become involved. The rewards for them will be consistent updates from you that provide special perks via the status feed – encouraging them to interact with your brand again and again.

Hold Contests

Another great way in which to engage your followers is by engaging them with one another. By pinging lists of contests through users’ status feeds, you can gain their attention about prizes and other free things they can win by participating. In many cases, brands use this as an opportunity to breed the atmosphere of competition, which encourages more people to participate as they see there is something of value to be had. Many brands use apps that display leader boards and points that their followers have earned through the contest, giving everyone the idea of who’s boss.

Develop A Game

Plenty of large businesses and brands have sought to entertain their audience while engaging with them, which is usually one of the more successful ways of increasing Facebook engagement. There are many different types of games that can be considered for any brand, and you have several options in which you can do this. Many brands who cannot afford or do not have the ability to create an app-based game from scratch use Facebook itself as a platform through which they hold scavenger hunts and Easter egg promotions that provide fun and incentive for their followers all the same.

Start A Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes are often used as a way to encourage repeat traffic to a brand’s Facebook page. The way this usually works is by allowing any user to enter the sweepstakes (equivalent to a ticket) once every 24 hours or so. They will need to return to the Facebook page in order to enter the sweepstakes each time, and since you’ll be pinging lists of updates and information about your brand during this time, they will be exposed to a greater amount of your content. Whether you want to offer cash, products or coupons, doing a Facebook sweepstakes is one sure fire way to increase engagement with your followers.

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