How to Decrease the Cost of Your PPC Campaigns
Comments Off on How to Decrease the Cost of Your PPC Campaigns, 01/11/2016, by in Marketing, Online Business

Despite the rise of generic internet marketing instruments like SEO and content marketing, advertising is still the best way to gain traction and attract traffic in a relatively short amount of time. PPC or pay-per-click advertising is still used for everything from promoting a new site to getting m... Read more...

How to Write Better Email Subject Lines

How to Write Better Email Subject Lines

Comments Off on How to Write Better Email Subject Lines, 29/10/2016, by
Posted in Marketing
How to Target Your Facebook Ads for Maximum Benefit

How to Target Your Facebook Ads for Maximum Benefit

Comments Off on How to Target Your Facebook Ads for Maximum Benefit, 26/10/2016, by
Posted in Marketing, Social Media
Simple But Effective Plugins that Generate Leads

Simple But Effective Plugins that Generate Leads

Comments Off on Simple But Effective Plugins that Generate Leads, 24/10/2016, by
Posted in Marketing, Plugins and Tools
Simple But Effective Ways to Generate Leads

Simple But Effective Ways to Generate Leads

Comments Off on Simple But Effective Ways to Generate Leads, 23/10/2016, by
Posted in Marketing
Comments Off on How to Improve Your App Sales, 01/10/2016, by in Marketing

The prevalence of apps in our daily lives is now larger than ever. With hundreds of millions of mobile devices now capable of using a variety of apps for virtually every purpose, it's no surprise that developers have responded. You'll be able to find literally millions of apps on both Android and iO... Read more...

Comments Off on What Can Make Your Content Outreach Efforts Fail?, 30/09/2016, by in Marketing

Finding new outlets through which to get published can be a stressful process. Similarly, making a pitch to a potential customer or client can often fall short for reasons unbeknownst to us. There is a certain art to outreach that isn't easily mastered by those who are new to the game, but that does... Read more...

Comments Off on Boost Your Blog’s Visibility Via Social Media with These Tips, 26/09/2016, by in Marketing, Online Business, Social Media

Every blogger takes time and energy to write each piece of content they publish. Because of the painstaking labour we put into crafting content for the masses, it can be disappointing to see one or more posts fail to gain traction with our audiences. This can happen for many different reasons, but s... Read more...

Comments Off on How to Optimize Your Guest Posting Regimen, 24/09/2016, by in Marketing, SEO

Many bloggers are now turning to guest posting and blogging as one way to earn high-quality links and build relationships within niches. Guest blogging can be an excellent element of SEO when used properly, but many people struggle initially when trying to find interested blogs and sites. Most websi... Read more...

Comments Off on Tips for Building Content That Organically Generates Links and Shares, 22/09/2016, by in Marketing, SEO

Content creation and marketing seemingly go hand-in-hand these days. Without a steady stream of content, most brands are relegated to a status bordering on invisible. Unfortunately, such a high demand for content has created a reinforcing mechanism where people believe that marketing is solely relia... Read more...