Are You Using the Pingler Feed Application?

0 comments, 16/12/2011, by , in Plugins and Tools

Time for AppsOver the last couple of weeks we’ve been telling you a lot about the Pingler applications and the benefits of using them.  Today we will be focusing on the Pingler Feed application and why it is such a time-effective method of promoting your blog and website content through the social media outlets of Facebook and Twitter.  The Pingler Feed Application is completely free to use and all you need to do to activate it is to create an account with Pingler.  So let’s find out more.

The Benefits of Social Media

In this day and age it is more than likely that the majority of the readers that visit your website or blog have a Twitter or Facebook account.  Aside from keeping in touch with friends and family through social media, many people also choose to subscribe to pages and “like” companies that they want to know more about.  If you create a Facebook page or a Twitter account for your website you can then let your readers know every time you update it.  You can also interact with people on a personal level which can forge personal bonds between your website and your readers.

The good thing about social media is that it is another avenue of traffic that does not rely on Google or any of the other search engines… and it’s free!  So next time Google updates its search engine ranking criteria, even if it hits your site hard you should still be able to receive quite a bit of traffic through the social media outlets that you use.  In addition, because social media is all about “sharing”, it is likely that your subscribers on Facebook or Twitter will share your posts with their friends, which is a great way of increasing your reader-base.  We’ve all heard about how easy it is for content to go viral and in the majority of cases this happens via social media platforms.

So How Does the Pingler Feed Plugin Help?

We at Pingler understand that when you run a website, no matter what size, you want things to run as smoothly as possible.  The Pingler Feed application aims to help you do this.  Once you have registered an account with us you can set up the Pingler Feed to instantly share your content on both Facebook and Twitter as soon as you have published it.  This eliminates the time it takes for you to do it manually and there’s no chance of you ever forgetting to let your readers know either.  Best of all, as our Feed application is completely free of charge it won’t cost you a penny.  It is unlimited too so whether you update your website once a day or 500 times a day, you can be sure that the Pingler Feed app will do its part.

If you want to save the time and hassle that comes with social media, register with Pingler and start using the Feed application – you will soon see the benefits.

pingler feed

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