5 Instagram Stats You Need to Know

0 comments, 16/04/2021, by , in Social Media

When it comes to social media, giant platforms like Instagram are constantly changing and evolving to tailor to the needs of their target demographic. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, in order to execute a successful social media marketing strategy, you need to keep up to date with the latest trends and statistics.

With that in mind, here are some useful Instagram stats to learn that can shape the success of your next marketing campaign.

90% of Instagram Users Follow a Business

Unlike social media giants like Twitter that concentrate predominantly on personal connections, Instagram users are more likely to interact with brands. So much so, it’s estimated that 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business. If you’re a business owner yourself, you should already have a page that customers can check out to find out more about your products or services. When posting content, make sure you gather information from Instagram Insights, which will show what kinds of posts you publish garner the most attention.

69% of Marketers Intend to Splurge on Instagram Influencer Marketing

As a business, you should never underestimate the importance of influencers and what they can do for your brand. Influencer marketing has become increasingly popular over recent years, with many reality stars linking up with brands to promote their content. In fact, three-quarters of Instagram marketers are preparing to upgrade their investment in influencers in the foreseeable future. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of who your target audience is, so you can find an influencer that correlates with your brand message.

Average Post on Instagram Includes 11 Hashtags

The more user engagement a business gets, the more success you will gain. When posting content, hashtags mean everything. However, you can make the mistake of including too many, which can do more harm than good for your brand. A good hashtag strategy can make the difference between users jumping on board or losing interest. Should you post more than 11 hashtags, consumers may see your content as being too spammy. Experiment with branded terms, trending hashtags, and location-based tags as they can all help boost user engagement.

70% of Instagram Users Find Products on the Platform

The success of online shopping continues to grow year on year, with many users turning to Instagram as a tool to find new products. Instagram is a great platform for inspiring customers to splurge, especially thanks to their aesthetically appealing layout. While your main focus shouldn’t just be on posting pictures of your products, you need to spread awareness about what items you have to offer.

36% of Instagram Users Say They Are More Likely to Buy from Brands That Take a Stand

In 2021, Instagram statistics state that users want to engage with brands that care for their needs and show a human side to them. What’s more, 36% of Instagram users say they are more likely to purchase from businesses that take a political stand and don’t shy away when it comes to difficult topics. Taking a stand will do you a favour in terms of attracting a younger demographic to your page.

When you keep a close eye on the latest Instagram statistics and patterns, this can be an enormous help when devising a marketing strategy that reaches your target audience and delivers the traffic and revenue you envisage.

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