You Must Make These Updates Whenever Your Business Moves

0 comments, 04/01/2014, by , in General

Moving BusinessYour business’ online presence may feel everlasting yet flexible, but your physical presence requires a bit more upkeep and maintenance. It goes without saying that any move or relocation can pose a plethora of issues and considerations for business owners, such as inventory accounting and packaging, utility setups and of course, informing your customers of the move. As much of a hassle as it can be in the real world to relocate, the issues of reflecting this in your online domain are nearly as burdensome or time-consuming. They can, however, be far more damaging to your long-term performance if you do not handle them with the utmost care and consideration. For those who have just relocated to a new location or who may be doing so in the near future, we have put together a list of updates that you must consider for your social media platforms, website and other online profiles in order to ensure that your customers enjoy uninterrupted service.

Update Advertisements & Campaigns

At any given point, you may be running several marketing and advertising campaigns across sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Google and others. When pinging networks with these types of tested ads, it can be a bit easy to forget that they are there. Unfortunately, a business that moves and forgets to update vital information such as an address or phone number can wind up wasting vast sums of money – not to mention the frustration that is experienced by potential customers who will be very likely to shop elsewhere. Be sure to check all of your campaign accounts before you move and have the updated information ready to go as soon as the move is complete.

Update Social Media & Website

This seems simple enough, but it can be easy to forget about one element or another of your web presence when faced with a big move. The need to update information on your social media pages is not just important so that users can find the correct address when browsing Facebook or Twitter, but it is also vital for search engines. Sites such as Bing and Google use social media in part to extract information about your brand and use that to display relevant contact information to consumers. Without these updates, someone may search for you and receive an old address or phone number.

Other Online Sources

There are plenty of other places where your address may be listed as a result of being a web-based business for some time. Review websites, local directories and forums are just a few of the places where your contact information may be published in one form or another. If at all possible, submit revisions to this information so that search engines will pick up on it when pinging networks. If the site in question does not permit such edits, then you can attempt to contact the website directly, or in the case of a forum, publish the updated information in a reply for all to see. You will not be able to make changes in every circumstance, but a quick web search can help you find most of the instances that you can in fact modify.

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