Four Places Where Your Business Needs Exposure and Buyers Congregate

0 comments, 21/07/2013, by , in SEO

Four ChairsAny small business or online retailer understand the importance that exposure plays in any marketing strategy, but many throw the proverbial dart while blindfolded in regards to search engine optimization and web presence optimization. Many people think of their websites as being the anchor for their online presence. This is true, but broadly speaking, it is more comparable to a root system that needs plenty of branches and connections in order to truly thrive. If you need additional exposure for your online business or brand and want to appear in venues where your buyers are most likely to be, then continue reading to find out about the four locations where it needs to be present.

Social Media

So many people say that social media is over-hyped – and it is in many regards – but a strong presence on networks like Facebook, Twitter and other popular variants are a key component of building brand recognition and driving likely buyers to your website. Social platforms are an ideal buyers or sellers market.  Built around a construct that encourages sharing, it is very easy for followers of your brand to interact with you, share contact and subsequently be seen by their friends and acquaintances. In addition to free exposure, any business can create custom advertising campaigns that can be targeted to specific audiences – whether that be based on geography, interests or demographics.

News Hubs

Do you feel as if your business is news-worthy or otherwise interesting enough to receive coverage of some sort? Most will say no, but the age of the internet has made it possible for any business or brand to gain exposure through a variety of ways. From free press release hubs that allow your announcements to be seen by the world, to creative or controversial viral campaigns that end up pinging to Google and other search engines due to buzz, there are several outlets through which you can gain attention and bring in specific, interested audiences.

Industry Sites

If your business caters to a particular niche, then it is very likely that directories, forums and other related websites exist for the same general purpose. While many of these websites may find themselves in competition with you, there will always be some portals through which frank discussion about your business, its mission and the products & services offered will be accepted and welcomed. It is through this interaction that you can gain recognition for your brand and reach potential customers through one-on-one interaction.

Search Engine Ads

One of the best places in which you can utilize paid advertising is through search engines. If you are already pinging to Google each page on your business’ website, then great. Additional exposure can be received, however, through pay per click (PPC) or cost per impression (CPM) advertising campaigns. With a variety of customization options available, users can quickly target specific audiences based on search queries that are associated with your brand. Your ads will then be displayed to potential buyers who searched for these keywords. Since it costs just a fraction of what traditional advertising does, more and more businesses are using this approach to gain exposure and attract new customers.


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