Why Your Online Store Should Have a Blog

Building a reputable online store front is both easier and more difficult than ever, depending on who you ask. While technology has made it increasingly possible to reach a large audience for relatively little cash and effort, the sheer amount of competition makes it more difficult to stand out, be seen and compete price-wise with countless other marketplaces.

Any little advantage that can be earned is obviously worth the effort in such an arena. As it turns out, blogs can provide multiple benefits even for online stores. If your store could use more customers, better rankings and a stronger foothold within its niche, then keep reading to find out why you should consider deploying a blog for your online store.

Answer Questions Proactively

The biggest reason why online shoppers wait to pull the trigger on purchases is unanswered questions. All too often, shoppers arrive at online marketplaces looking for answers, only to find a list of specifications and photos. While all of this can be helpful, it doesn’t necessarily close the deal.

Creating a blog for your online store can ensure that you’re pinging your website with meaningful information that helps shoppers decide. From frequently asked questions to specific answers about individual products, creating blog posts that help shoppers get the reassurances they need before making a purchase can make a huge difference in sales.

Showcase Benefits and Features

Imagine being able to not only answer every conceivable question about a product, but provide shoppers with detailed descriptions about how a product works, what it can be used for, and various real-world demonstrations via multimedia. While you can do this with individual product pages, an online store blog can help provide an outlet for detailed information regarding benefits and features without seeming overly pushy.

Perfect for promoting on social media, these blog posts can be used to help sell individual shoppers on products and services without being too gimmicky or overtly promotional. When coupled with elements such as product demonstration videos, individual reviews and other elements, your blog can be a one-stop source for everything shoppers wish to know about products and/or services.

Better SEO and More Traffic

One major reason why so many online stores are now publishing blogs is the effect that it can have on both traffic and search engine optimization. While many online stores rely on paid marketing strategies via search engines and social media to increase exposure, free and organic exposure is obviously even better.

The more detailed content that is featured on your store-front, the more chances you have to rank prominently in specific search results. By pinging your website with this informative and meaningful content, those in the market for products – whether they are ready to purchase or simply looking for more information – have a better chance of finding you without the need for paid marketing campaigns.

Online stores need to be comprehensive and provide shoppers with answers to everything they can: blogs are a great resource for doing this. Not only can it help assuage undecided shoppers, but a blog can also boost visibility and create even more leads for your business in the future.

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