When Embracing Bing Over Google Is a Good Idea

0 comments, 10/04/2020, by , in Google, SEO

We all know that Google gets the lion’s share of attention in the world of building organic traffic, improving SEO outcomes and raising brand awareness. Who can blame us: with roughly 90 percent global market share, Google is by far the largest and most productive search engine to target in many cases.

However, many – particularly those in the US – fail to grasp just how valuable Bing can be in achieving the same outcomes. Accounting for more than 5 percent of the country’s search engine market share, Bing in some respects is easier for brands to achieve visibility through.

In what specific ways is Bing better than Google for websites? Let’s take a look at a few examples.

When Using Multimedia to Target Search Results

Google is now more invested in producing accurate results than ever, delivering content in a variety of different formats. From pinging users with recommendations and maps to videos and related questions, Google has covered many of the bases.

However, both Bing and its results tend to push multimedia more heavily than Google. This can be a superior situation for brands seeking to optimize their images and videos in select search results. While the smaller volumes of traffic mean fewer people overall may see your content, it is also easier to get ranked for specific images and multimedia associated with your website.

The end result? More views and clicks via high-performing multimedia in search results, which makes it appealing for brands that rely heavily on images and videos in their content strategies.

When Having Older or More Prominent Backlinks

Both Google and Ping care about the number of backlinks earned by each website and assess them accordingly. However, the two search engines do have different methods for how they assess this content.

With Google, the emphasis is placed on backlinks that have higher authority. This means that pages with higher PageRank scores are worth more than pages with lower scores.

However and with Bing, the emphasis is placed on the age of each domain linking to you and the status of its top-level domain (TLD). For example, .gov and .edu domains are more valuable than .com domains, and domains in existence for several years are more valuable than domains that have existed for several months.

When Using Metadata

For more than 10 years, Google has not assessed keywords and content contained within metadata on pages to determine how to rank content. This was part of a series of changes designed to prevent keyword spammers and other disreputable entities from manipulating search engine results. Because of this, many websites no longer worry about optimizing these areas with regard to keyword inclusion.

While Bing certainly has measures in place to prevent manipulation, they do examine keywords found in meta descriptions and other areas. As such, websites using meta data, descriptions and other similar elements across many of its pages can benefit by pinging users via Bing results.

While Bing certainly provides less traffic for most search results than Google, it also provides opportunities for brands large and small to reach audiences more effectively in key situations. With the information above, you can now decide whether or not targeting Bing under specific circumstances is a good course of action for your brand.

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