What to Consider Before Hiring Any Copywriter

0 comments, 18/08/2017, by , in Online Business

It seems these days you can find writing services almost anywhere. One quick Google search will put hundreds of results at your fingertips, each featuring copywriters and freelancers willing to work for very reasonable rates. With content available for relatively affordable prices, it can be all too easy to begin purchasing content left and right for improving SEO, facilitating digital marketing strategies and more. Nevertheless, hiring an experienced copywriter is worth both the time and consideration it takes to find one. Today, we’ll go through what you should consider before hiring any copywriter to work on your behalf.

SEO Knowledge

There is virtually no content you’d ever pay for that shouldn’t be optimized for search engines. Every thing published by your brand should be visible to search engines and aimed at driving traffic to your site. Experienced copywriters understand that they’re not just writing for people: they’re writing for the search engines and algorithms that analyze content. When pinging search engines with new posts, press releases or any other type of content, it’s important that the content is optimized for SEO. Without this crucial element, most content will fall short of its intended effect. Be sure to interview any potential copywriter about their understanding of SEO before committing. The last thing you want to do is pay for eloquent content that is absolutely worthless where it counts.

Testimonials and Experience

Everybody in copywriting gets their start somewhere. However true this may be, there’s a good chance you don’t want to be the one providing on-the-job training. Before hiring any copywriter, you should first consider and ask for any relevant references, testimonials and portfolios that they can provide you. In most instances in copywriting, you get what you pay for: those who have not mastered the technique of copywriting may offer great rates but probably will not be able to back up their claims. In the end, you want to hire somebody that is experienced so that your content resonates as strongly as possible with the target audience and is pinging search engines effectively. At the very least, do not entrust your most important projects to copywriters who do not have the experience and references necessary.


The dynamic between any brand and a copywriter should be a two-way street with respect to interaction. If you’re merely the type to provide people with instructions but do not follow up, then you are likely underperforming. Likewise, a copywriter who simply does as requested may not be delivering the best results. Rather than a contracted worker, a copywriter should be viewed as somebody who is part of your team. Because of that, your copywriter should be willing to make recommendations about elements that need to be added, removed and changed from your overall content strategy.  Those who are willing to go above and beyond more likely than not deliver superior content. Keep this in mind when evaluating potential copywriters and get an idea of where each prospective employee is in this area.

Copywriting is a huge industry these days and can be a godsend for brands without the time or experience to craft content. What benefits do you think copywriting can provide brands?

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