How to Deal with Copywriting Changes and Criticism

0 comments, 24/10/2015, by , in General, Making Money

Business MeetingYou don’t know frustration until you have dealt with an insistent client who changes key elements of your copywriting. This is common and this should be expected, but not all instance of change are good. In such relationships, there is a natural give and take, and copywriters are definitely used to having their work altered in the final result. Unfortunately for both client and copywriter, this can lead to problems more often than we’d like. How can you be sure to deliver the best work possible to a client while also ensuring that their preferences do not harm the relationship (and their overall bottom line)? Continue reading to find out about how you should deal with copywriting changes and criticism.

Don’t Take It Personally

Everybody sees things differently. What may seem like good copywriting to you may still be good copywriting to others, but they may have a different take on it. Writing and marketing both are highly subjective arts when broken down into their smallest pieces, so it is to be expected that there will be disagreements. Professional copywriters must understand that this is not something to take personally, but is merely the result of different experiences and perspectives. Only when any changes requested or made impact the tangible performance of the overall work should something be said. Which brings us to…

Do Not Let Clients Make Tragic Mistakes

Professional copywriters understand that some strategies will result in pinging noise and nothing else at a given audience. Clients may have a basic understanding of what constitutes good copywriting, but you are the ultimate expert in these areas. If a client has made a particular change or requested that something be phrased differently that could inevitably render the content useless, then it is important to speak up. In many cases, there may be push-back from the client on why their suggestions are not equally valid to yours. Politely and professionally, it then becomes time to demonstrate your opinions and assertions with facts.

Back Up Your Assertions

When your copywriting has been altered and it risks undermining the entire project, then it’s important to act. After all, if the changes backfire and you say nothing, then you could be blamed for pinging noise to a given audience. In order to illustrate the broader point as to why these changes should not be made or requested by the client, provide proof as to how this is a bad idea. Educating the client as to how these changes could prove to be detrimental will not only avoid a worse situation later on, but can be an opportunity to demonstrate value and build a better relationship. Most clients inevitably will respect you more for pushing back at times (as opposed to just doing whatever they said without showing concern for the outcome). They have enlisted your services for a reason, so do not be afraid to prevent them from making a bad mistake.


Never take criticism personally in the world of copywriting. This will only make your job more difficult with each passing project. Always be sure to assist your clients in avoiding mistakes with respect to changes or requests, and be ready to provide information that proves your assertions. By engaging in these three simple behaviours, you’ll be able to enjoy long and fruitful relationships with your clients.


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