Tips for Reaching a Local Audience with Pinterest

0 comments, 31/12/2016, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Pinterest is a great social network on which you can attract audience with visuals and designs. It is also a great place to share information and develop a strong audience base. To make it even better, you can now target a specific audience segment on this social networking platform. There are a lot of tips and tricks you can use to reach a local audience on Pinterest and we are going to discuss some of the best in this article.

Use Place Pins to Your Advantage

Place pins are great ways to quickly target the audience based on location. Place pins can be attached to a particular location in the map by adding location information. You can add your business’s address, phone number and store hours to place pins.

Place pins aren’t originally designed to mark business locations. Most users will use place pins to plan a dream vacation or to mark the places or outlets they want to visit. That said, businesses are taking advantage of these features to promote their products and services to a specific target audience.

When a user search for pins in a particular area – such as when they’re looking for a good coffee shop to visit in the area – your place pins will appear in the search. Combined with powerful visuals or photos that can grab users’ attention, place pins are effective to use indeed.

Use ShortStack

There are several third-party Pinterest tools you can use to achieve different things. Some are designed to make managing your Pinterest posts a lot easier to do, while others can be used to target a specific audience. ShortStack is definitely among the third-party tools you need to try if you’re using Pinterest for marketing purposes.

ShortStack is a tool that will help you create and manage contests on Pinterest. It can be used to limit the reach of your Pinterest contests based on time and location. For example, you can set the contest to be visible to people in the UK and nowhere else. It can also be configured so that the contest is withdrawn at a particular time.

Using ShortStack, you can get local audience to post about your business in a targeted contest. By offering rewards for top posts, you can also increase your brand’s overall exposure on Pinterest.

Work with Other Local Brands and Users

One last idea you can implement if you want to target local audience is to use group boards based on location. Don’t forget to add proper location information to the group – usually in the title – and add users as well as other businesses in the area to collaborate.

This is a handy approach to take when you want to amplify your reach on Pinterest. Every member will contribute to the total reach of the group board, supporting each other and expanding the reach of the group while keeping it local and targeted. It is even possible to take active steps towards curating the group board’s contents to suit the target audience.

Don’t forget to use local keywords and location pointers. The use of keywords and the previous ideas we talked about earlier will help you reach a specific, local audience segment accurately.

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