Three Simple Filters to Improve Google AdWords Use

0 comments, 06/10/2015, by , in Google, Marketing

Three FiltersGoogle AdWords gives bloggers, website owners and marketers in general the ability to promote products, services and features via search in a way that organic search cannot immediately provide. Rather than spending weeks, months or even years building reputable search ranking and visibility, bidding on keywords via AdWords only takes a few minutes and can be done for virtually any keyword. Unfortunately, many people fail to utilize AdWords effectively, with the shortcomings resulting in lost revenue potential and wasted budgets. Below, we’ll talk about how one area of potential trouble – filters – can be optimized to help reduce this waste.

Show Low Hanging Fruit

There are many potential keywords that you might not ever think to target via AdWords if you didn’t look at recommended options below the first page. Fortunately, AdWords has a filter option specifically for this. You can activate a filter that will display all keywords below the first page, helping to generate plenty of low hanging fruit and potential opportunities that you would otherwise never think of or see. Despite the lower rankings in this case, there could very well be several potential picks in this filter. You can add additional filters in order to help filter out any undesirable options from this list (such as one that excludes high-cost keywords).

Remove Low Quality

Many different keywords that we might bid on may not be performing as well as we would like. Unfortunately, it is all too common for many AdWords users to start pinging servers on Google with various AdWords selections and never check back to evaluate progress. A filter can be created in AdWords that will ensure that low-ranking keywords are displayed, helping you to instantly figure out which ones you need to remove from campaigns. The exact threshold for quality can be determined by you – for instance, you can specify that all keywords with a quality rating or two or less be shown via the filter.

Show Ad Copy Performance

Google AdWords’ filters are not merely simplistic expressions of concrete data; there are literally hundreds of customized filters that can be created based on one or more types of data being analysed. For instance, those who want to figure out how well their ad copy for each campaign and ad is doing can create a filter that assesses ad copy performance. Filters can be programmed to show which ads are converting users the most or which ones are generating the most clicks per impression, helping to display whether or not the ad copy for a given ad needs to be adjusted.


AdWords is a very useful utility for many different brands, businesses and projects. By being able to quickly start pinging servers on Google with links in a paid capacity, users can avoid all of the hard work that comes with building links and improving SEO. The trade-off is obviously one that involves spending money, but this is often worth it for many brands. The use of filters to help display overall results is an

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