The Most Important Reasons to Be Using Facebook Ads

0 comments, 28/01/2016, by , in Marketing, Social Media

Facebook AdsSocial media has opened up the entirety of the world to literally billions of people. With many different social media networks available to the masses, it is easy to see why this particular form of communication is the fastest growing in the world. Sites such as Twitter and Instagram make it possible to share short blurbs and a variety of multimedia offerings, but it is through the powerhouse social media network known as Facebook that more substantial communications often occur. Facebook Ads is one of the most profitable digital marketing services in the world, and it produces affordable, reliable results for brands. We’ll discuss below the most important reasons why your brand should begin using Facebook Ads today if it is not already doing so.

Your Reach Will Be Unprecedented

There are many different types of people using social media, but the biggest pool of people from practically every walk of life can be found on Facebook. With more than one billion users, you can find more people on Facebook than in any other online place in the world. Especially useful for brands advertising to large audiences or across large geographical areas, the ability to adequately sample a given area or populace is unprecedented via Facebook Ads. You will be able to reach thousands of people per minute with the largest budgets, or just a few people per day with the smallest of campaigns. The great thing about Facebook Ads is that you’re capable of pinging links across social media to however many people you can afford to reach.

Your Audience Is Completely Customizable

With so many digital marketing and advertising platforms available on the web, it can be difficult to know which ones to utilize. Facebook Ads is the most versatile ad platform on any social media network, and one of the most versatile on the internet at-large. Through Facebook Ads, you can build custom campaigns that are as large or as small as you’d like with respect to targeting. You can filter audiences by age, geographic location and proximity to a given city, gender, race, and a variety of interests and likes. You can target people with whom you are already connected or you can target fresh faces. Pinging links to a relevant audience has never been easier. You’ll truly be able to build as many customized micro-campaigns as needed, or simply reach everyone with one large message.

Your Specific Objectives Can Be Met

With many digital advertising platforms – including some very popular ones on major search engines – you can only create one or two different types of ads. In order to achieve specific objectives, you are required to be creative on your own end. This means customizing landing pages in order to ensure specific objectives are met. With Facebook Ads, you can create custom campaigns that are designed to achieve a variety of goals. You can boost Facebook posts, promote your Facebook page, send people to your website, increase conversions on your website, increase engagement or installs of a particular mobile or page-based app, target people who come in close proximity of your physical location, boost event attendance, promote videos and encourage contest and sweepstakes engagement. With all of these objectives each being addressed by one form of Facebook advertising or another, there isn’t a good reason to not advertise using this awesome platform.


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