The Most Common Vulnerabilities of Websites

Having a steady and reliable online presence is essentially a must for any business or brand today. Being able to reach your customers, clients and/or visitors in general is a primary goal of interaction for brands and entities, so pursuing this in the digital realm in today’s modern world is absolutely imperative.

While setting up a website – and even providing ample access to products, services and content – is relatively easy, that is only the first step. A variety of challenges such as digital marketing, engagement and security are just a few of the many examples that must be met in day-to-day online operations.

Believe it or not, but your brand’s website may be vulnerable to attacks, security breaches or other issues without you even being aware. As such, let’s look at the most common vulnerabilities that websites face when trying to be secure and consistently accessible.

Brute Force Attacks

One of the most common vulnerabilities that everyday websites face is the brute force attack. Simply put, brute force attacks involve using a massive number of attempts to gain access to a website’s inner workings. A variety of options can be employed, which include dictionary-based programs and algorithms designed to try to guess the right combination of username and password.

Many websites – most notably those ran on WordPress – do not have any built-in features that limit the number of attempts that a hacker can employ. By pinging your website thousands or even millions of times in a short period, someone can successfully gain access and do whatever they desire.

Outdated Software

Another major vulnerability that websites consistently overlook is the effect that older versions of content management systems and plugins can have on security. Whether you are using a popular solution like WordPress or another customized CMS, newer versions by definition create vulnerabilities in past versions.

Patch notes and vulnerability fixes from older versions of software get released, meaning that would-be hackers can hunt for websites using these outdated solutions and attempt to exploit them for gain. While not every version of outdated web-based software poses a risk, it is ideal to consistently update your software (or even have it automatically upgrade where possible).  You can do that in many different ways, but the best possible one is to hire professionals to do it for you. There are trusted New York software development companies that we find trustworthy and promising!

Bad Hosting Providers

Last but not least, the quality of your hosting solutions is a major factor that can pose a variety of vulnerabilities in terms of performance and efficiency.

For starters, subpar hosting services may not have the best speeds. This means that your pages can take much longer to load – especially on mobile devices – and result in more visitors simply choosing to look elsewhere for their needs.

Additionally, up-time is a major concern for websites. The more your website is inaccessible, the more people you’re losing to competitors. Ideally, you want to ensure that 99.99% of people who are pinging your website are able to see its pages and have them load quickly.

Vulnerabilities come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it be a security-based concern or simply an issue with losing valuable traffic, being aware of these challenges is crucial if you want to prevent them. Consider these vulnerabilities carefully and be ready to act in order to avoid consequences!

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