The Google Knowledge Graph and How It Could Affect Your SEO

5 comments, 05/12/2012, by , in Google, SEO

Google has recently updated its search engine algorithms with an addition known as the Google Knowledge Graph. As webmasters, we all become queasy and weary whenever changes are made to Google as it can (and usually does) impact the prior search engine optimization work we have done. However, these changes may actually prove to be beneficial as search engine semantics have evolved over the past few years. The goal of Google Knowledge Graph is to expand the ability for Google to direct searchers to the content they desire – reading further into simple search queries than just matching keywords. If you’ve been pinging Google for search-related purpose, you will want to know all about this new feature.

Ending Disambiguation

In past years, someone who searched for ‘green mountain’ might find themselves with a plethora of search results that do not directly relate to what they mean when they search for the term. Some results might refer to the coffee company, while others might reference a local point of interest or another particular company that shares the same name. Google Knowledge Graph provides options for searchers to narrow down their results through suggested topics and actually uses prior search history to determine what specific variation the search is meant to find. While this may decrease the number of visitors stumbling across your site through coincidence, it can also increase the number of meaningful visitors who actually wanted to find your site or one similar.

SEO Complications

If you have been building your site’s clout around search engine optimization, you may find some negatives to this new approach. Google is quickly reaching the point where it can provide users with search results as intended, as opposed to a generic search results page that shows all options. Using data collected prior, Google can show users search results that are more relevant to their interests. Considering that many elements of search engine optimization have revolved around webmasters pinging Google in an attempt to “game the system”, this may ultimately throw a wrench in your previous SEO strategy.

Google Stealing Traffic?

Google’s SERPs systems are becoming more evolved thanks to these changes; many of you have noticed that over the past several months, there has been more information that automatically appears when doing particular searches. While this only generally happens when a search has either been narrowed down through topic suggestions or was done very specifically from the start, some webmasters are worried about how many people will obtain information from SERPs and then not proceed to click through to any actual websites.


While these changes have shaken many webmasters to the core, it is a tried and true tradition to “do battle” with Google when it comes to search engine ranking, placement and information distribution. As always, webmasters find a way to adapt and survive. However, these changes could be the signalling of a new trend where Google begins to dominate search results in a new and much different way. The bright side: Google will always need websites from which to aggregate the content, so the future for webmasters is still bright.


  1. December 5th, 2012 9:30

    Thanks for sharing this new SEO update from Google. Hopefully it will do good in our site.


  2. December 6th, 2012 1:43

    This is a very interesting topic for all of us bloggers.
    I noticed the search in gmail has been changed, for the better.
    If it means more targeted traffic, that is what I want anyway.


  3. December 6th, 2012 14:07

    Hopefully the changes that have been made in 2012, namely the Panda, Penguin updates and now the implementation of the Knowledge Graph, will persuade SEO practitioners to lean more towards quality.


  4. December 29th, 2012 9:40

    The article is very useful.


  5. February 15th, 2013 15:43

    It’s always more to learn.
    Thank you very much.


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