Complex SEO Skills You’ll Need to Learn for 2014

0 comments, 27/09/2013, by , in SEO

Complex SEO Skills Search engine optimization is a complex art that involves dozens of different methods and abilities in order to take advantage of its full potential. Because we as humans are limited in the number of waking hours we can enjoy in a day, many of us never have the time or patience to learn all of the nuanced skill sets that can enhance our ability to promote pages, blogs and brands to search engines. If there is one constant in the world of SEO, it is that there is no constant: trends constantly change the ways in which we need to promote our projects in order to maintain exposure (if only we could hear the collective cussing each time Google unveils an update to its algorithms). Over the next year, webmasters and SEO geeks would be well-advised to brush up on the following technical aspects of SEO if they want to continue to succeed in the global market.


Even if you build numerous successful websites via WordPress or another content management system, it is important that you brush up on your HTML skills in order to ensure that your sites are pinging URLs to search engines. Whether you need to inspect embedded links, deal with search engine spiders or otherwise optimize code for speed, accessibility and relevance, then HTML is a core concept that any SEO enthusiast or expert needs to know for 2014. If you have somehow made it far in the world of SEO without yet learning the basics of HTML, then congratulations. Understand, however, that the future will not be so forgiving.

Web Design

This is where most people cross over from simple SEO tactics into complex SEO mechanisms that involve the slightest of tweaks (but can yield huge benefits). In order to be a good web designer, you must first know how to troubleshoot and test your website. When you can navigate, critique and inspect your website’s functionality like a professional, you will then understand the elements that need to be improved and can incorporate SEO tactics into these revisions. Navigation, widget usage and consistent code are all important elements of successful web design and how it will relate to SEO in 2014.

Miscellaneous Coding Languages

In the past, it was easy to slide by with basic knowledge of HTML and the use of a content management system like WordPress in order to achieve excellent search engine optimization results. These days, however, it is vital that even small-scale web masters and developers learn another language such as Javascript or PHP in order to further manipulate and refine their websites for SEO potential. From pinging URLs to embedding applets, a well-developed coding knowledge will make it possible for you to squeeze every ounce of functionality out of your current website – which will be needed in 2014 as more and more large companies and brands continue to dominate SERPs.


2014 will require an increased amount of skill on the part of SEO enthusiasts in order to keep up with the continued consolidation of larger websites and businesses within SERPs. A local focus will become increasingly common for many, but a global or local approach will require a solid knowledge of HTML, web design and at least one other coding language in order to remain relevant through the end of next year.


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