Social Networking Accounts That You Can’t Afford Not to Set Up

2 comments, 03/01/2013, by , in Marketing

Social Networking AccountsIn the age of social media, it seems everyone these days is getting their news and updates from either a friend or an acquaintance. In years past, there were only a couple of limited options for interacting via social media, but technology has sprouted a whole new array of social networking options depending on your interests. If you are operating a blog or website-based business, then you absolutely must consider social networking as part of your online strategy. Whether you are writing fresh content, showcasing beautiful photography or pinging YouTube videos, there is a social option. Listed below are a few examples of social networking accounts you should consider as part of your growing internet enterprise.

For Generalized Communication

The oldest and most established forms of social networking are your best bets for getting a message out to various demographics. Having both a Facebook and Twitter account is crucial, as most users of social networking are integrated into one or both of these – even if they have auxiliary social networking accounts elsewhere. Google+ is also another strong contender, mainly because of the sharing options and the ability for your posts to be associated with a Google+ profile. Google also displays quality articles from Google+ users in search results, so using a format such as this is very valuable in multiple aspects.

Sharing Video

While you can certainly share updates, commercials and any other form of video through social networking, you may wish to have a dedicated social networking platform from which you can host and distribute said content. Three of the best solutions currently available are YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion. Each has their advantages and disadvantages, but we generally recommend pinging YouTube videos due to its integration with existing Google services. Some of these platforms even allow you to generate revenue from your videos simply through others viewing them – if the videos are watched often enough.

Sharing Photos

Maybe your content is not in written or video format, but you still wish to share it with the world. Luckily, there are multiple social photo sharing services available for you to do so. Flickr is by far the most popular of the bunch; you can easily create albums, add tags, join groups with common interests and interact with fellow Flickr users. Picasa is also worth looking at; many people use Picasa for sharing images directly with Google+ and also enjoy its intuitive geographic tagging solutions.

Other Options

Depending on the type of audience you are seeking to entertain, you may find that other social networking platforms can serve a great deal of good for your cause. Tumblr is incredibly popular and functions much like a hybrid of Twitter and Pinterest, allowing people to categorize and share snippets, photos or stories. Tumblr is an all-around great platform – especially for niche issues and interests. Instagram is a great way to showcase products using a variety of filters available through the platform, giving your photos an artistic edge. Instagram was recently acquired by Facebook, allowing you to use your existing Facebook credentials to access the photo sharing network.


  1. January 4th, 2013 9:22

    Social networks such as Twitter are so important that businesses have to Tweet or update their status daily just to stay relevant in their area of expertise.

    Knowing how each social network operates will help you find the right target audience that you are looking for and will benefit you greatly in the long run.

    Social Networks have changed the way businesses and consumers interact with each other and it’s the cutting edge of global communication and interaction.


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    January 10th, 2013 5:33

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