Simple Tips for Quick SEO Improvement

0 comments, 18/09/2020, by , in SEO

Nobody with an innate understanding of SEO enters the proverbial arena expecting quick and easy results. Given the sheer amount of competition and the level of scrutiny from major search engines themselves, it can take months or even years before major results are observed by nascent entities seeking the limelight.

Nevertheless, even newer brands can – with the right approaches and dedication – generate some meaningful improvement in relatively no time at all. In some cases, this may be by undoing any unknown damage to search engine perceptions of your brand. In others, it may be absolute improvements.

Let’s delve in and look at a few simple tips you can utilize to quickly improve your SEO outcomes.

Aim for Long Tail Keywords and Niches

Generating quicker improvement and/or results in SEO often revolves around how many others are competing against you. If all of your on-page elements and technical approaches are optimized, then it really becomes about the content, the audience and overall demand.

The brands that are pinging links with the intent of targeting smaller SERPs (say, those with 500,000 results) are likely to see results more rapidly than those targeting highly-contested SERPs.

Generally, targeting long-tail keywords and phrases is the best method for achieving visibility in search – especially if you want it sooner rather than later.

Ensure All Relevant Content Is Being Indexed

If search engines can’t find all of your content, then no wonder your SEO performance may not be up to par!

Various configurations for your domain or content management solution may be resulting in some pages, posts or other forms of media being invisible to search engines. The easiest way to check into this is to inspect your robots.txt file: if there are listed resources being blocked, then you’ll want to verify why.

Never Forget About Speed

Website speed is more important than ever, due in large part to the prevalence of mobile devices accessing information from on-the-go. If your website is slow to load or otherwise not optimized for file sizes and caching, then you could be losing out on valuable SEO performance.

The faster pages load, the lower your bounce rates tend to be. The lower they are, the more quickly you can rise through the rankings of relevant SERPs. Likewise, speed is a factor in user experience and mobile use (and search engines tend to prioritize both of these elements heavily).

Evaluate Internal Links

Link structure matters substantially in SEO performance. Not only does pinging links to search engines that contain your content matter, but links pointing to various pages throughout your website are important as well.

Integrating a meaningful number of internal links on each page (this includes basic navigational elements, plus 1 or 2 internal links strategically placed within the content) can help build stronger connections between relevant pages and further ensure that each page is being properly indexed and ranked.

Most SEO improvements take plenty of time, but there are a few tips you can use to begin extracting additional benefit immediately. Use these tips for your budding SEO endeavors and you can start garnering additional visibility starting today!

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