Learn Code Quickly and for Free Through These Sources

0 comments, 13/02/2015, by , in Web Design

Learning CodeWhether you’re involved in social media management, content marketing or various areas of SEO, it helps to understand the basic components of what is going on. Many people learn the nature of these components in a rather backward fashion: they start out by experiencing the situation, then break down the components that cause that, while finally trying to understand why and how these things occur.  In order to reverse this process and learn much more about why the internet works the way it does, picking up the art of coding is a highly recommended endeavour. You’ll be able to explore how to build websites from the ground up and understand more about on-page SEO (and more) once you’ve explored the basics of code. Below, we’ve provided multiple sources where you can learn multiple programming languages for free and at your own leisure.


Perhaps the most popular online and free coding platform available today, Codeacademy has been featured by dozens of online publications and news sources for its dedication to the cause. Rather than teaching people about code in the way that colleges and high schools do so, this platform throws you directly into the art of coding by providing tangible, real-life examples. Because of this, you’ll immediately begin coding things that you can see and feel in a real way. Offering a variety of courses, users will be able to choose between HTML, CSS, jQuery, Python, Ruby on Rails and Javascript, just to name a few.

Khan Academy

Another great resource that began offering free online courses in dozens of different areas, Khan Academy has now also embraced the art of coding and offers several different courses to beginners. Instead of providing the service in a sterile or clinical capacity, Khan Academy combines aesthetically pleasing elements and motivational prods with its courses. Through the use of drawings, games and animations, users will be able to quickly pick up the basic tenets of HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Those who are pinging for SEO will greatly appreciate how much information they’ll learn about on-page SEO and coding solutions to better promote their pages’ content offerings to search engines.

MIT Open Courseware

You’ll spend an arm and leg to learn about code theory in most colleges, and the focus on theory often doesn’t provide real-world application of the code. Nevertheless, code theory is an important component of learning how to code and can complement the above-mentioned courses quite well. MIT Open Courseware provides a variety of code theory classes that will help users who are learning how to code connect the dots in a more logical fashion. With more than 2,000 different courses that pertain to coding available through the online MIT database, you’ll have no shortage of lessons to explore at your own pace that empower users to be better coders in the future.


Coding is a necessary concept for the internet to function, and can be a great ally for those who are marketing, optimizing and promoting their websites by pinging for SEO. Through the free utilities mentioned above, you’ll be able to begin learning not only why code is important, but how to use it to your own advantage in the future.

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