If You Don’t Do This, Then Expect Your Content to be Ignored

0 comments, 04/02/2016, by , in SEO

Hand PalmAbove all else, content creation and marketing are the lifeblood of any successful brand marketing strategy. Without fresh content that ensures people will continue to view your website, your online offerings might as well not exist. Likewise, search engines that stumble across your website – only to find no invigorating content – will summarily ignore your website in their search engine rankings. As such, performing well via content creation and marketing is essential. There are a few simple tactics that any blogger or webmaster must utilize if he or she wishes to have a viable present on the internet. Below, we’ve put together a simple list of these elements, which must be handled if you want your content and website to be noticed by anyone.

Create Valuable Content

It should go without saying that content must have value in order to be read, shared, liked and commented on. Without inherent value in your content, readers will simply skip over the content – and anything else you might have to offer. Search engines have become notably adept at determining whether your content has value; long gone are the days in which keyword stuffing was a viable content strategy. Pinging for SEO requires that the content not only be optimized for search engine rankings, but that it be optimized for readers’ desires. As such, the most important element in any online content strategy is to create valuable content.

Create Content Regularly

As important as it is to create valuable content that readers will enjoy, it is equally important to produce content on a regular basis. Readers want to be able to check in regularly and find new content. If your blog or website serves up content on an irregular basis, then it is virtually certain that you are losing segments of your audience. These individuals may check back in for a while, and, seeing that there is no new content within a specific period, stop revisiting. In order to ensure your blog is being frequented as often as possible by return visitors, you’ll need to produce content regularly. Ideally, you’ll also want to advertise to your audience in regards to how often they can expect new content. Additionally, search engines are very sceptical of websites and blogs that do not produce content regularly.

Build Links Often

Link building still remains a relevant and important element of proper content marketing, SEO and management. What many people don’t realize is that building links from your website to other websites and blogs is just as important. “Guilt by association” is one way to look at how Google and other search engines view websites. If your content is regularly associated with other, top-notch content and websites through your website linking to them, then this can create long-term added value. Additionally, the original form of link building – earning mentions on other, relevant sites throughout the web for great content – remains as important as ever.

Whether you’re pinging for SEO or building content marketing strategies for the long-term, it’s important to create content regularly, build links often and inject value into your content offerings. Not doing so will jeopardize your ability to be seen. What other must-do tactics would you recommend? Let us know in the comments below.


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