Brush Up On SEO – The Best Blogs for Bloggers and Webmasters

0 comments, 25/10/2013, by , in SEO

SEO BrushThe art of search engine optimization has taken on many forms throughout the years. In the past, it was very easy to create a few pages of content, stuff in some keywords and watch your website quickly ascend to the top of search results. With so much competition and an ever-increasing amount of dedication from search engines to make these results more “organic”, it has become very difficult to break into most search engine results. As a result, many people need some courses in how to properly achieve positive SEO results but do not know where to turn. There are many different SEO blogs on the internet that can help users with these concepts: we will review three of them in the following article.

The Moz Blog

Developed as a multi-faceted website that offers direct SEO assistance via its products, the Moz Blog is an off-shoot of Moz and provides users with free information on various SEO tactics. Some of the topics you can expect to find on here include tips on pinging networks with relevant content, link building and removal assistance, lessons on proper search engine optimization development in domestic and international markets, and visual guides to hundreds of other important elements of SEO. With updates provided daily, you will always find new subjects being covered on the Moz Blog. If you like what you see, you can quickly subscribe to their email list, interact with them via social media and check out all of the premium Moz products and services offered.

Search Engine Watch

One of the most well-known search engine optimization and content marketing portals on the web, Search Engine Watch is a definite must-stop for those who need assistance with a variety of website related optimization tools and tips. The site itself has several categories that may appeal to some or all readers: industry analysis and news, SEO tactics, PPC campaign details, analytics assistance, local SEO tactics and mobile development are just a few of the categories you can peruse at your leisure. With several different posts added daily, you will never run out of fresh content to mull over as you plot and plan your next marketing efforts. By adding Search Engine Watch to your bookmarks, you are establishing quick and easy access to one of the best internet marketing resources.

Matt Cutts Blog

It has been said that you can hear the groans of millions of webmasters across the world each time Google makes changes to its search engine algorithms. You may be pinging networks effectively today, but tomorrow could be a different story if a massive rollout or update by Google occurs. Matt Cutts is a software engineer for Google and provides first-hand insight and experience about changes at Google to his readers. While he obviously does not give away all of the secrets, many webmasters periodically check his blog in order to find out whether certain marketing aspects need to be tweaked in order to avoid  SEO penalties. We highly recommend that you add the Matt Cutts Blog to your so-called required reading lists.

seoSEO Blogs

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