How to Boost Guest Post Engagement and Be Invited Back Time and Time Again

1 comment, 30/03/2016, by , in SEO

Paper PlanesThere are many different ways to build links and make a name for yourself in the digital world these days. Link building is a time-honoured tradition that has existed since the first years of the internet, but its effect on search engine rankings have changed over the years. Many people now seek to be guest bloggers on other sites in order to earn organic, trusted links back to their own brands and businesses. Quality content is a key component of guest blogging – without adequate engagement from the audience, you likely will not be invited back over and over again. In order to increase the chances that you’ll have future opportunities with guest blogging, we’ve put together a quick guide on how to boost engagement with your guest posts.

Embed Social Media

Whenever you quote someone, refer to a brand or otherwise wish to make a point, there is a possibility to use embedded material to break the monotony of pure text. Whether you decide to embed a Facebook post, a tweet or some other social media blurb, this can be an easy way to illustrate a point or quote without having to describe it in full. Not only will it boost overall engagement with the article, but in the case where an embed can be used from either your social media profile or that of the site on which you’re blogging, you’ll also generate additional engagement for the source of the embed. It can also be a rather sly way of pinging URLs back to your website or elsewhere.

Infographics and Presentations

Another great form of multimedia that will be sure to boost guest post engagement is infographics. These fact-based forms of content make it easy to absorb complex ideas in a matter of minutes. These are perfect elements for social media sharing and will help illustrate broader points without the need for elaborate amounts of text. In addition to infographics, you can also find great value in presentation-type elements such as SlideShares. These can be used for more detailed walkthroughs and tutorials, or merely as a way to explain a particular tangent in more detail.

YouTube Videos

YouTube is an excellent resource for content creators who wish to outline various ideas without boring their audiences to death with walls of text. Your guest blog site may have a variety of videos that can be plugged into the content you’re writing; they’ll certainly appreciate the inclusion of their content in your posts and so will your readers. As people tend to prefer to absorb information through more visually direct methods, this can be a better way to generate comparable levels of engagement and traffic for both yourself and the guest blog. As all smart brands follow where their traffic is coming from across all mediums, they’ll appreciate you generating additional views for their YouTube videos.

Whether you’re pinging URLs in guest blog posts as a way to build traffic or as a way to increase name recognition and rankings in search, you can only do so if you consistently maintain guest blogging opportunities. These methods and more can be used to increase engagement on guest blog posts, which will ensure you maintain additional opportunities to write for them in the future.

One comment

  1. March 31st, 2016 9:35

    I too sometimes think that how can we get again contacted by the blog owner to contribute once again in guest posting.
    Thanks for sharing this effective info with us.


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