Discord Vs Slack for Work Chat

0 comments, 25/08/2022, by , in Online Business

As remote work becomes increasingly common, choosing the right messaging app is important for managers looking to make communication easier. Most people know Slack as a top workplace communication tool, but they might not know Discord is also a fierce contender for that coveted position. While both of these tools have amazing features, many of them similar, they also have some differences that can make one or the other better for your business. To help you decide, we will compare Discord Vs Slack in a few areas.

Channels and Threads

Discord includes channels, and Slack has Threads for team communication. These can be accessed by anyone on the team or by people you invite.

With Discord, you can establish voice channels where you have up to 99 people. These channels have a “push to talk” functionality that only allows users to talk when they press the microphone. This feature helps eliminate background noise. While Slack does not have voice threads, it has a voice call feature that can have up to 15 participants, although this number of participants is only available on paid plans.

Slack provides threads where you can reply to individual comments or start a new thread when replying. This keeps the channels uncluttered and eliminates the need to find a specific conversation in a sea of other conversations and messages.

Discord has also introduced threads, but they are difficult to navigate and expire after a set time.


If you are working with a remote team, screen sharing and video calls can enhance collaboration. Both of these apps have screen sharing and video calling functionality. In Slack, you can start a voice call and then press the “Video” button to turn it into a video chat session.

Their free plan allows only two participants, while paid plans allow up to 15 participants.

In Discord, start a video chat on a video channel by clicking the “video” button. Their free plan allows up to eight people, while paid plans allow up to 25 people on the same call.

Screen Sharing

Slack allows you to share your video where you are on a video or voice call. The platform also allows you to add marks to someone’s screen so you can add highlights and notes to keep track of important information.

In Discord, you can share your screen while on a video chat or within a voice channel. The platform will let you continue your voice or video call while sharing your screen. Additionally, you can switch between seeing someone else’s screen and sharing yours.


Integrations are an important consideration because they change how usable Discord or Slack is for you. Slack calls its integrations apps and has amassed over 2,400 apps you can add. Slack Free will allow you to add 10, while their paid plans allow an unlimited number.

Discord integrations are called “bots” and there are great ones, but nowhere near as many as Slack has.


Discord edges out Slack because of how useful and easy to use its features are. However, Slack comes out on top for teams looking for a wider range of integrations.

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