How Do Content Hubs Work?

0 comments, 27/04/2020, by , in General, SEO

Building a cohesive content strategy matters in terms of promoting better SEO outcomes and improving user experience. People don’t want to search around for ages to find information or content that adequately addresses their needs: this is why websites that excel at putting everything users need in a centralized location tend to dominate in their respective searches.

Content hubs are a prime example of this. They function by bringing together a variety of related yet different pieces of content found on a single site. As it turns out, content hubs are great for generating internal links, improving SEO and encouraging greater synergy between various pieces of content already found on your site.

Let’s take a closer look at content hubs today and see how they can work for you.

The Justifications for Content Hubs

To better understand how content hubs work, it’s important to know what they are. In short, these hubs can function as guides, timelines, news portals or conglomerations of related content offerings found on a single website. The point of a content hub for users is to put a set of related pages, posts or videos together in one place for easy consumption. However, it’s important to point out that content hubs work by pinging URLs to each piece of content from a hub page rather than including all of the content on a single page.

Content hubs can definitively improve the experience of users and visitors, making them more likely to stick around and enjoy additional content. Especially in the case of mobile users, visitors can be rather discouraged from performing multiple searches on your website to find a variety of informative or entertaining content offerings. This makes building content hubs in situations where a large amount of relevant content on a particular topic already exists quite appealing.

How Content Hubs Improve SEO

Given content hubs work by connecting and integrating existing content offerings, how can it actually improve SEO performance for online brands?

Let’s start with the benefits it can provide thanks to topic authority and anchor text. In these cases, connecting your pages via these internal links builds meaningful authority that search engines recognize, helping to improve performance for all pages that are part of the content hub. Anchor text that connects the pages is also useful in further conveying to search engines the exact meaning and relevance of each of your pages.

Additional engagement earned by virtue of making all of this content accessible from one place can further improve SEO outcomes. Especially as visitors from search engines land and find multiple pages worth of content that is relevant, time on page metrics improve, bounce rates decline and search engines are more likely to start pinging URLs to these pages more prominently in the process.

Content hubs can be a beneficial solution that doesn’t require a ton of work. Since the content is likely already available on your website, making a few tweaks and adding the appropriate internal links is all it takes. You can improve user experience and SEO outcomes by taking advantage of this vital content solution beginning today

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