Boost Your Business Blog’s Potential with These Simple Tips

0 comments, 23/10/2013, by , in Marketing

Simple TipsHundreds of thousands of businesses now compete for the same clientele via the web, which makes it harder for most businesses to develop content and marketing strategies that result in dramatic boosts in traffic and conversions. In the past, a business could throw together a blog, make a few posts on a regular basis and expect to net huge gains from the act – this is no longer the case. With so much competition now afoot, businesses need to be on their a-game when it comes to content promotion, social sharing and other key variables of content marketing. If your business blog has not performed as you initially expected and you want to rectify the situation, then continue reading to find out how you can ensure your blog is on sound footing and ready to attract new readers.

Be On Top of Current Events

One way that you can consistently reach new audiences and be featured in select search results is through the use of current events in your blog posts. While evergreen content is a predominant strategy for many blogs and can be a great way to add consistent, long-term value to your projects, dynamic content can be a sure-fire way to reach audiences that you might not otherwise reach. When pinging blogs with news-related events, be sure to utilize the most recent developments and act as quickly as possible: an article about a news event that occurred one week ago may not be ideal.

Target Your Audience

If your blog has not determined the exact audience to which its content is designed, then this may be a huge reason why your blog has not performed admirably. Unless your business is very large and prominent on the web, you will not be able to succeed with a content strategy that seeks to appeal to everyone. Most businesses are within a niche, so it should not be difficult to focus on the theme or mission of the business in question. You can still vary up the content considerably – so long as there is a tie-in between the content presented and your business’ purpose, feel free to be as creative as desired.

Monitor Your Metrics

Last but not least, you need to have some form of metric monitoring in place in order to adequately determine whether or not your strategies are having an effect. If no one is pinging your blog and you do not have a metric monitoring solution in place, then how will you know this is the case? It can also be a great way to deduce whether there is a discrepancy in between your traffic/number of visitors and the amount of interaction occurring on the blog; if your blog is receiving a lot of traffic but very little in terms of comments and interaction, then this can be a good indicator that your content needs to be more interactive and inspiring.


A business blog must focus on current events and incorporate them into its topic of expertise in order to be successful. In addition to this, you will want to target your audience via appropriate content and a solid marketing effort, while also ensuring that you monitor stats such as traffic, conversions and bounce rates.

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