Areas in Which SEO Remains the Same As Before

0 comments, 01/06/2014, by , in General

SEO Same as beforeDespite the fact that the internet continues to evolve, there are plenty of aspects to it that are quite familiar. The need for quickly being able to find information, news and content will always keep some basic parameters alive – even if most of what we know about search under the hood has changed considerably. SEO has had to evolve over the years, due to black hat techniques and an ever-growing number of people who all wish to compete within a seemingly finite number of search results. Which areas of SEO remain virtually the same as they did in the beginning? Below, we’ll discuss some of these so that you can relax when it comes to worrying about what the future of SEO has in store for you.


Search engines have not developed some superbly futuristic way of reading your website when compared to the tactics of yesterday. Web crawlers remain pretty straightforward and similar to their distant ancestors. Despite the fact that the information they collect has changed – and the way in which that information is now categorized – crawlers remain simple, and will remain that way for the foreseeable future. What this also tells us about pinging for SEO is that information is collected from your website in the same way as it would have been many years ago, so optimizing content for this purpose is virtually identical to the process a decade ago.

Meta Data

A variety of titles, tags and descriptions have been used since the beginning of the internet to convey information about each page and website to search engines and crawlers. This basic information has been refined a bit over the years, sure, but its main purpose and function remains virtually unaltered from all those years ago. Some of the information we’re referring to include title tags, meta descriptions, meta keywords and meta news keywords. All of these items provide specific information about each page and make ti possible for search engines to adequately categorize your content.

Organic Results

As with anything organic, time and patience are key virtues. After search engine crawlers begin pinging for SEO in and around your website, they will then take that information and classify it for search engines. This doesn’t mean that your pages will instantly rise to the top of search results – what about everyone else’s? SEO takes time – while it actually takes more time than it used to, your content and media will be taken into account by search engines and over time, used to assess the strength and quality of your website. With these metrics assessed, the overall ranking of your website may stay the same, improve or be reduced.

While plenty of aspects regarding SEO have changed considerably over the years, the three items mentioned above have kept virtually all of the characteristics they had at the dawn of the internet. If you are worried about the nature of SEO changing in the future but don’t know what to expect, then join the club. If you want to know what most likely will not change, however, then look at these elements’ long histories of remaining stable – that should tell you the likelihood of them changing any time soon.


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