A Guide to Using Employee Advocacy on LinkedIn

0 comments, 16/02/2023, by , in Marketing, Social Media

People are more likely to buy from other people rather than companies or brands. This is why employee advocacy is such a potent marketing strategy. Here we look at why using employee advocacy on LinkedIn is worth considering.

What Is Employee Advocacy on LinkedIn?

This is when an employer encourages their employees to use their personal profiles to amplify the company’s or brand’s message on LinkedIn. A well-planned employee advocacy strategy can lead to increased brand awareness and recognition across the platform. The aim is to increase leads and cold inquiries from other LinkedIn users, with the final aim being to increase sales.

Employee advocacy has numerous other benefits including helping employees build personal brands, establishing them as experts on different matters, capturing more top-of-the-funnel customers, closing deals, driving sales, and more.

Using Employee Advocacy on LinkedIn

The first step in doing this is getting leadership on board. You can secure their buy-in by encouraging them to do it themselves. Aim to post some content on the platform consistently for 60 days. If they see an increase in engagements, connections, and following, they will be much more likely to allow employee advocacy to be deployed across the business.

Choose the Right Leadership

You will need a leader for this strategy to work. This might be someone well-versed in LinkedIn or social media marketing. They will help create the required strategies, oversee its implementation, and measure results so they can tweak things to ensure better results.

Document Your Requirements

The leader should have requirements of their own, but you can also help set them. Some of these requirements can include posting a set number of times a week, engaging with other LinkedIn users, and promoting company content. This is also where you document what each leader can or cannot do. These are typically called content posting guidelines, and they include what is acceptable or inappropriate to post as well as best practices.

Onboard Your Employees

The leaders should call a meeting to onboard all employees who have agreed to become employee advocates. In addition to sharing requirements, this is where the leader gets input about topic ideas, positioning, and personal branding. They should also discuss the LinkedIn workflow to ensure everyone understands how to use it to get the best results.

Optimizing Company and Personal Pages

Before you go ahead, you need to ensure that the company page as well as the personal pages of those who are on board are optimized. Ensure the pages are filled with all the information LinkedIn works for, taking care to add content that would interest customers and decision-makers on the company page. Doing this is important because many people will look at your LinkedIn page before deciding whether they would like to work with your company.

Streamline Communication

It is a good idea to set up some way to let your employees know when new content is added to the page or when you post new content. Remember that posts that get a lot of engagement soon after getting posted are pushed to other people, so you want this to happen as much as possible.

Employee advocacy is a great marketing strategy for businesses that want to reach more people. Letting your employees do this for you has other benefits too, including helping you save time and see better results every time you post.

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