Why SEO Is a Great Career for Young People

0 comments, 24/07/2016, by , in SEO

SEO SlipAn unprecedented amount of competition and pressure in the job market have welcomed young people to the world of work. Whether it is a high-skilled, professional job or an entry-level blue collar position, today’s young adults face more challenges than ever. In the past, many workers only had to compete with people in their neighbourhoods or even people who looked like them. Today, the increasingly globalized world pits workers against one another who may be willing to work for vastly different wages, and also pushes many employers to consider automation as a more efficient source. For those young adults who are seeking to avoid being replaced by machines and who want to protect themselves from competition via a wide set of skills, SEO may be a very promising career.

Provides a Localized Focus

Many young people are motivated to do good and work within smaller, tight-knit communities. This might be within a particular niche, or it could be in a geographically-local community. In either case, the world of SEO provides people with an innate ability to focus on a specialized area of study and a specialized audience. In some cases, this opens up an opportunity to do genuine good for a community or cause, which is a prime objective for many young people who are seeking careers in the world of public service, volunteering or non-profit endeavours. Even if specific SEO tasks don’t always revolve around these concepts, it does often present a chance for those in the field to work with small, focused communities through building business, pinging links and creating content.

Freedom to Work Solo

Young people value their autonomy and are inherently entrepreneurial. The great thing about search engine optimization is that it is a service that can be provided in many different ways. There are SEO opportunities for firms, freelancers and professionals alike, all of which make it easy for young people to get involved with the industry in one way or another. Many people start out by working solo, which allows them to get a taste of SEO and decide whether they would like to expand their entrepreneurial endeavours or transition to working for a firm. At the end of the day, SEO isn’t just about the freedom to work solo: it’s about freedom to pursue whichever type of career is preferred.

Limitless Potential

Because SEO provides so many different avenues through which to pursue success, there are always new opportunities for those willing to work hard. For young people just starting their careers, SEO may be an enticing possibility due to the rapid growth in the industry and the ease of reaching out to new clients. With an entire world theoretically needing your skills, an aggressive combination of marketing, reputation and content creation can be very effective at producing the conditions for future success. Whether one decides that pinging links and building SEO clout on their own is the best pathway forward or prefers teaming up with a team, mobility in this industry is quite fluid.

Plenty of people have found success in the world of SEO. Whether you’re considering a new career in the field or already have an established reputation, let us know your thoughts and questions below!


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