When to End Your Relationship with Your SEO Company

0 comments, 10/10/2016, by , in SEO

Heads Split Like any industry, there are reliable SEO providers who provide a high quality service and get results and there are also SEO companies who don’t deliver on their promises. If you feel your business is not benefitting from the work done by an SEO company, it may be time to hire another company or do the work in-house. Below are some times when you should end your relationship with your SEO company.

Poor Communication

It’s vital to have a great relationship with your SEO provider. They should be willing to take your calls within reason, and have a range of other options available that make it easier for you to communicate with them.

When you’re spending money on SEO you want to know what your money is being spent on. This is why your SEO should present regular reports about progress, costs and any other relevant information that will allow you to understand how SEO is benefitting your company and will also allow you to make better business decisions.

Results and Return On Investment

When you hire an SEO company, it can take some time to see results. Your SEO provider should have a plan in place that indicates when you will see these results. If there is no increase in sales, email subscribers and visitors to your website, it may be time to question why the planned improvements are not happening.

Questionable SEO Practices

Reputable SEO companies play by the rules and only use Search Engine Optimisation tactics the search engines approve of. However, some online marketing companies try to bend the rules and use black hat or questionable strategies to get quick results for their clients. These black hat methods may work for a short period of time, but the reputation of your website could be tarnished for a long time to come if the search engines detect anything suspicious.

Talk to Other Clients

The only true way to find out how good an SEO company is, is to see what results other businesses are getting by using other SEO experts. The results other businesses are getting may surprise you and may be the proof you need to change your SEO provider.

Talk to Other SEO Businesses

If you believe your SEO provider is not giving you value for money, it may be time to consult with someone else. The more information you have about what your SEO efforts should achieve, the better position you will be in to choose the best company for your requirements.

Do the Work-in House

If you have the resources and you feel you are being charged too much money or you’re not getting the desired results, it may be time for your business to take responsibility for optimising its website.

Unfortunately, many online marketing companies are too good at marketing their own services, but don’t deliver on their promises. This type of online marketing provider needs time to understand your business and generate the momentum needed to become more successful online. However, at some point you have to decide whether or not it’s time to part ways with your SEO company.

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