What Can I Gain from a Balanced Evergreen/Dynamic Content Strategy?

Perfect BalanceFor the longest time, webmasters and bloggers have felt the need to dedicate themselves to one content strategy or another. Primarily, this means picking evergreen content or dynamic content as a way to serve information to readers. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to each strategy, which makes it difficult for some to pick which strategy they would prefer to utilize. As the internet continues to evolve and various external elements affect our content strategies, more and more people are beginning to embrace a hybrid model in which both evergreen and dynamic content are served to readers. What can you gain from embracing this newer approach? Continue reading, and we’ll explain the benefits.

Better Link Opportunities

Whenever you pursue a content strategy that focuses on one form of content type or another, you limit your brand to a particular type of traffic and a narrow array of links that can be earned. With a hybrid strategy that embraces evergreen and dynamic content alike, you’ll be able to create more opportunities for long-term link bait. In addition to this, more backlinks will be received than through just one source. Why is this? A site that might usually decide to go evergreen will no doubt be pinging links across the web that will get mentioned during the typical wave of news reports about a given current event. Likewise, a website that might focus on dynamic content will now have more pages and posts that maintain relevance long after the hype behind a story dies down, meaning that more people will find the content engaging and will therefore share with others through their sites.

More Social Engagement

When combining evergreen content with dynamic content on your website or blog, you present more opportunities to engage people via social media. Evergreen content often provides a more objective perspective – something that isn’t “worth” discussing – whereas dynamic content often covers events as they unfold. Since people love to discuss current events, having a strategy that incorporates this form of content will likely boost social discussions and sharing. At the same time, evergreen content can still be written well via informative and persuasive dialogue, and that can stoke social shares, likes and comments as well. Hedging your bets, so to speak, by combining both content types is guaranteed to provide more opportunities for social engagement.

Fresh Ideas

When you agree to take on both evergreen and dynamic content, you’ll find that it is much easier to come up with new ideas for posts. If you have been doing a lot of writing about a particular subject in the form of evergreen content, then you can consider switching temporarily over to dynamic content in order to take advantage of current events, until there is something new to write about that will provide longer-lasting value. Likewise, covering current events may only be sustainable for so long in a niche field, so having a way to still be pinging links in the form of evergreen content can be quite valuable.

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