Three Crucial Tips for Using Gmail Ads

0 comments, 26/02/2016, by , in Marketing

Three TipsMarketers and content creators from all over the world find great utility in the internet when it comes to spreading the news about products, services and information. A variety of popular platforms and services have made it possible for even the smallest of brands to quickly target and reach audiences in every niche and corner of the world. Via search and social media, millions of brands leverage their potential by creating ad campaigns that target specific segments and audiences. Gmail is an often overlooked platform though which very precise targeting can be done, thanks to the plethora of consumer-level data that is collected by Google. Today, we’ll talk about three important tips that you can use to get the most out of Gmail Ads.

Use Email Marketing Data

For those who have never touched Gmail Ads before, the process can feel a bit foreign. Learning how to craft ads that will perform to the best of their ability isn’t something that happens overnight, but you may already have clues on how to speed up the process. Any brand that utilizes email marketing strategies can access their analytics to see which email campaigns have performed best. If an email campaign performed well, then there is a good chance that the same type of pitch and framing will do well in a Gmail Ads campaign. By pinging users with commentary that is comparable and structured similarly to what has boosted open rates through traditional email marketing, you may be able to save yourself from some initial frustration.

Utilize Keyword Targeting

Gmail Ads is unique in that it does not directly allow users to access remarketing features like on many other platforms. This has to do with privacy restrictions. However, you can find ways to maximize the remarketing effect through the use of keyword targeting. When sending emails to your users, you can include specific keywords that will allow you to effectively “tag” the individuals that you have contacted. These may be brand keywords or long-tail keywords. When you deploy a Gmail Ads campaign, you can create campaigns that target these specific keywords. Since these keywords will likely be in the inboxes of those whom you have contacted, you’ll be able to target them based on prior interaction with your brand in an indirect way.

Take Your Competitors’ Turfs

With respect to keywords, there is absolutely no reason why you should stop with your own brand keywords! Smart businesses and marketers know that pinging users with content associated with competitor keywords can dramatically improve visibility, reach and engagement in a variety of ways. In Gmail Ads, you’ll be able to bid on any set of keywords imaginable and can ensure that your content is being seen by everyone who finds your product useful – whether they’re interested in your offerings or a competitor’s. This tactic can be especially useful for brands that have relatively small natural audiences, as it allows for complete saturation of a particular audience or market on a relatively small budget.


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