Use These Tips to Take Your Website to New Heights with Google

0 comments, 16/09/2013, by , in Google

New HeightsIn the past, virtually anyone could throw together a website and be discovered by major search engines without much worry of not being found. This was a combination of lackluster algorithms by search engines and less competition in various search queries and categories. As time has progressed, however, search engines like Google have had to implement increasingly complex algorithms to filter out those who would take advantage of situations to unfairly promote their websites to the top of search results. In addition to this, more competition makes it harder to outrank other websites for the top spot. If you want to boost your exposure via Google but do not have loads of time on your hands, then continue reading to find out about a few simple tips to achieve this goal.

Outline Your Marketing and Goals

All too many websites fall short in this regard, which leads to an improperly calibrated strategy that will not take your website where you wish to be in search results. If you want to be pinging your blog consistently, then ask why readers should care about your blog. Who is your target audience? Who is your competition? Which skills do you possess and how can you best utilize them in the world of content creation? Answers to these questions will help you paint a picture of the direction and vision needed to create the content and hype for further advancement in Google SERPs. While this method does not directly generate an increase in traffic, it is necessary as a prerequisite for effective planning.

Build an Intuitive Structure

Any website that is to be successful in Google’s search rankings will need to be calibrated to be navigable by users and search engine crawlers alike. Over the course of months or years, our websites may become cluttered with various pages that do not link to other pages on the site – how can search engines find this content? In addition to accommodating search engines like Google so that your rankings may rise, you also want a straightforward structure via navigation that users can take advantage of to quickly find any and all relevant content on your site or blog. Like-minded content should be easily navigable and featured in page-specific menus or drop-down boxes.

Optimize for Mobile

Some webmasters make the mistake of building a website around one specific operating system or browser – this may attract a majority of your intended audience, but poorly optimized websites will not do well when it comes to traffic in mobile or less common browsers. Google actually monitors whether or not your website is compatible for mobile and will assess this when prioritizing mobile search results. While it was easy to ignore mobile in the past when pinging your blog or site, mobile now comprises 25% of all internet traffic.


Anyone who wants to improve their performance with Google must first know what they seek to gain from the process. With these goals and objectives outlined, you can begin the construction of a relevant content and marketing strategy to accommodate. If you want to boost your clout with Google, then you can also optimize your website for various browsers and ensure that the flow of information and navigation throughout your website is user-friendly. All of these actions will lead to better rankings in SERPs over time.

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