We’ve come a long way from the days of big bold text and plain backgrounds. Web design technology today provides creators the tools and instruments to create anything from a fast-loading static page to a fully animated slideshow using HTML5 and CSS3. Things will only get better. Unfortunately, ... Read more...
Search engines like Google have been deriving a majority of their traffic from mobile devices for a couple of years now. This may seem like a huge development to some, and that is because it is huge. The nature of technology continues to change very rapidly, resulting in pocket-sized computers that ... Read more...
Are the ads on your website a help or a hindrance? In some instances, website ads are an extremely effective way to make money online. However, ads can also affect your website in many different ways. Below are five ways ads are killing your website. Too Many Ads Ruin Your Website Visitors User Exp... Read more...
Websites serve as ambassadors for our brands and businesses to the world at-large. How people perceive our websites determines whether or not our online efforts will have the intended effect; because of this, it is very important to make a good impression. Websites may require an occasional redesign... Read more...
Are you aware of the most common problems that can affect a website? Today’s online users expect more from a website, so it’s vital to understand the main things that can go wrong. Below are some of the most common website issues and how to resolve them. Slow Websites If a website is slow to l... Read more...
As mobile devices continue to become the most popular method for browsing the web, a variety of institutions – social media networks, search engines, email services, and more – are moving to accommodate these devices. In some cases, the changes are meant solely to accommodate this new audience. ... Read more...
Small businesses, brands and corporations from all backgrounds know the value of a web presence in today's globalized world. From search engines and social media to email and mobile, there is plenty of traffic to go around for brands that know how to attract the right visitors. Whether you are build... Read more...
With millions upon millions of websites on the web, it has never been more necessary for your website to stand out from the rest. Competitive search results, crowded social media networks and aggressive paid marketing campaigns can all make it difficult to attract traffic without competition, but se... Read more...
The world wide web offers shoppers an unprecedented amount of choices. Because of this, it is crucial that your website offers everything that shoppers could need in order to browse, make a decision, and purchase from you rather than your competitors. Because of the total saturation of e-commerce so... Read more...
You work hard to build a website that everybody can enjoy. You carefully curate content that appeals to your audience, find ways to increase traffic and remain dedicated to updating your audience on a regular basis. Yet one day, you discover that a large number of people are leaving your website as ... Read more...