Small and Powerful SEO Improvements for Small Businesses

2 comments, 23/07/2018, by , in SEO, Start Up Businesses

Locally-owned businesses and other small companies seeking an online presence have a huge fight awaiting them in the war for recognition. As the internet continues to become more contested at every level, small and new businesses face many obstacles in achieving prime visibility in search; this is mostly due to the immense influence that larger brands and businesses already have with search engines.

Nevertheless, a consistent focus and hard work can help businesses breakthrough in mobile, local and niche search results. Many businesses don’t know where to begin: thankfully, there are some small tweaks and improvements that can yield big results when starting an aggressive SEO strategy.

Let’s look at a few that can really help small businesses hit the ground running in online SERPs.

Utilize Google My Business

Search engines like Google love it when businesses and brands utilize the tools they provide. One such tool that is immensely useful in the fight for improved SEO is Google My Business. This function helps you claim ownership of your business and its details online, provides those searching for your business with up-to-date contact information and ensures you’re pinging users in search engines with as much relevant information as possible.

You’ll be able to fully flesh out what it is your business provides and what locations it serves, further strengthening SEO credentials in both local and relevant niches.

Investigate Your Competitors

When starting from scratch, understanding all the complex elements of SEO can be difficult. Thankfully, you’re almost certainly not the first to the ball game. One common tactic of small businesses is to identify their competitors and research what it is they’re doing to be successful.

Whether that means analyzing which keywords they’re targeting, from where they’re earning links or what types of content they’re serving to their audiences, this information is invaluable. Armed with this knowledge, you can begin cultivating your broader SEO strategies into more effective ones.

Earn Local and Relevant Links

For businesses focused on a local audience, building a reputation within their community is essential. Whether it be online or in the physical realm, the same benefits tend to apply. However, it’s also important to note that search engines want to see that your brand is relevant to and respected by the local community.

One such way to build this rapport is by earning links via local websites. This could be a mention in a news article reporting on your business’ charitable event or even referenced via the local Chamber of Commerce’s website.

Encourage Reviews

Last but not least, consumer feedback is crucial to online SEO outcomes: most businesses have trouble earning organic mentions, so search engines evaluate what customers are saying.

A variety of review websites exist that help shoppers find out more about local and small businesses. If your small business is new and struggling to reach people, then why not encourage your customers to leave online reviews at one or more review platforms? By pinging users with positive reviews, you’ll not only earn more loyal customers, but you’ll improve your SEO standing as well.

There are many relatively easy tactics businesses can use to build clout in local and niche SERPs. By following this advice, you can build a strong basis for your long-term SEO plans and generate the attention and visibility you desire.


  1. Sam
    July 26th, 2018 7:21

    Short, simple and easy to follow powerful points for SEO improvements for small businesses. I am for sure going to apply these points to boost my SEO rankings. Thanks for sharing such useful tips on SEO.


  2. July 27th, 2018 7:53

    Very informative tips for SEO, I loved this write up quite helpful for small businesses. I do agree with all the tips quite necessary to achieve the goals. SEO is going to be the main channel for local businesses in near future, and business owners should know about pros and cons of their SEO strategy. Thank you for taking the time to share this information.


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