Simple Tricks for More SEO Juice in Google

1 comment, 22/09/2014, by , in Google, SEO

Google JuiceAs the world of SEO continues to change, it becomes more difficult by the day to keep tabs on all of the new changes and tricks that it takes to ascend the ranks of search engines. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources out there that can help users find out what they need to know in order to stay on top. What can be stressful is sorting through all of these different utilities and resources in order to find the best and most honest tips. While there are dozens of different tricks you can use to squeeze out more SEO juice, we’ve put together just a few that will prove useful for just about anyone. Below, you can find out some quick ways to take advantage of this phenomenon.

Index Your Tweets

Twitter is a great domain with plenty of authority for indexing, but many webmasters do not know how to begin pinging networks at full potential. Some tweets naturally make their way to the top of search results, but the more competitive the niche is, the less likely this will occur. You can dramatically boost this possibility by installing a Twitter crawler widget on your website. While you will still encounter resistance in shorter keywords and phrases, long-tail keywords and phrases are the perfect place to target with your newly-indexed tweets. In no time at all, you’ll be driving a whole new segment of organic traffic to both your website and your social media profiles.

Speed Up WordPress

We all know how important speed can be to the survival of our websites, on multiple levels. First, users will likely shun a website if it appears to load slowly on their first visit. Search engines will then take this bounce rate tendency into consideration when determining how to rank your website – plus, they also directly measure speed and correlate that to rankings. You can speed up your WordPress loading times by blocking your wp-login.php page from crawling, by optimizing your database to remove any stored drafts of previous content, by not hot-linking to images and by minimizing the use of JavaScript on your site. This is just a list of a few simple tweaks to WordPress you can make to speed things up; there are a plethora of other tricks out there that can produce similar benefit.

Remove Vanilla SEO Plugins

With so many different SEO plugins out there that promise notable benefit from their use, it is no surprise that many SEO-focused individuals have one or more SEO plugins installed. While they can bring some benefit when used properly, many people simply install these plugins and forget about them. A non-optimized SEO plugin can actually create more issues for your website than it may solve. Instead of leaving these vanilla SEO plugins on your website to seize control and potentially impact your rankings, remove those that you have not already configured in select ways. If you have doubts about the effectiveness of a SEO plugin, then do research on what needs to be done to make sure it is functional. As the nature of SEO continuously changes, you need to always be on the lookout for outdated and potentially harmful SEO plugins from the past.


One comment

  1. September 26th, 2014 6:30

    all tweet can be indexed?


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