Pinterest Welcomes Businesses – It’s Time to Get Involved

3 comments, 09/12/2012, by , in Marketing

Within the past month, Pinterest has unveiled its newest modification: the ability for businesses to set up their very own pages. In the age of social media, every business should be jumping whenever a new platform allows them to expand their brand recognition, and the ever-growing strength of Pinterest makes it a very interesting platform to use for advertising and social networking. Whether you did not know about this recent development until now or have simply been waiting to set up your page, the time for inaction is over. There are plenty of business opportunities available through Pinterest and there has never been a better time to setup your own page.

Explosive Growth

Over the past year, Pinterest has become famous as one of the fastest growing social networking platforms on the web. Just one year ago, Pinterest had approximately 3 million users. Today, that number has grown to 26 million and is continuously climbing at a rate of about 50,000 users per day. This sort of growth has led Pinterest from only focusing on individuals to realizing the potential that expanding its offerings to businesses can provide to both the company and its users. Best of all, setting up an account is straightforward and simple; we cover that aspect below.

Setting Up An Account

You will now see the option to register and create a Pinterest profile as a business. If you already have an account with Pinterest, you also have the option of converting the existing account into a business account. If you wish to get the most out of pinging URLs, status updates and other posts, you can also verify your business account. This action will allow you to directly link your website to your Pinterest account and the profile will display a ‘Verified’ icon to let users know you are who you say you are.

Business Features

One of the new features offered to businesses when they setup a Pinterest account is the ability to customize their page with buttons and widgets. By adding their own buttons that allow users to pin their items to their own boards, interaction is streamlined even more – something that was previously thought impossible due to Pinterest’s easy-to-use interface. If you have recently been pinging URLs to advertise important content about your business, users will find that they are able to easily share and view the content. With the ability to also verify and link the account to your website, you will most likely benefit from an increased amount of traffic flowing from the Pinterest profile to your company’s web page.


It only makes sense that the quickest growing social networking platform on the web is also quickly becoming the fastest growing hub for entrepreneurs and businesses. As Pinterest’s clout continues to expand, we expect to see more and more competition on the site between businesses. If you have not already taken care of the steps outlined above to secure your place on Pinterest, then you are wasting valuable time. It’s free, easy and provides yet another way for you to advertise and promote your business or cause.


  1. December 9th, 2012 17:32

    They should have done it long ago, but better never late. Change to do some brand marketing now. Thanks for this great news. It would have been good if you had placed link to your pinterest profile below the post. I can follow you


  2. December 11th, 2012 18:42

    I am glad Pinterest welcomes businesses as we produce professional wide angle photos of luxury homes. In the past folks just come to watch our real estate video tours just for entertainment.

    Hey thanks team!


  3. December 12th, 2012 19:25

    Oh Thanks to provide the useful details…..i m now on pinterest….enjoyy dude


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