Optimizing Title Tags to Increase Website Traffic

1 comment, 08/01/2013, by , in General, Marketing

Title TagTitle tags are perhaps the most important part of any webpage’s technical design as they alert readers and search engines to the true content of the page. For example, when you do a search on Google and find numerous results that revolve around the initial search premise, those titles that convince you whether or not to click on them are title tags. By optimizing your title tags and presenting a professional, relevant message in each, you too can increase the traffic that is pouring into your website. The following tips will outline why this is important and what you can do to achieve desired results.

Letting Search Engines Know

Title tags are the first descriptor that search engine crawlers look at when indexing your site and pinging domains. It comes as no surprise, then, that title tags are vital in earning rapport with search engines for increased visibility. Each one of your pages should feature the website’s name in the title tag, in addition to keywords and content that summarizes the page in question. Some inexperienced webmasters simply give their pages the default title tag for the page (“Home”, “Blog”). While this may seem straightforward to you, both search engines and visitors want to be able to know in detail what site they are viewing and what content is offered before they click on the link in question.

Make Them Appealing

It simply is not enough to convey basic information about your site – you need to go above and beyond to actually attract people to your pages via the title tags. How can this be done? By using this an as opportunity to expand upon your business’ brand, slogan and mission, you can sell yourself through title tags in a creative way that appeals to the reader’s senses. A well-written title tag can more than make up for being down a couple of spots in search engine results. By using title tags to appeal to consumers and readers while also transmitting basic information about your site and particular page, you can demonstrate value and brand recognition simultaneously.

The Viral Possibilities

Optimized title tags will not only help your standings with search engines by pinging domains’ content and making said content appear more professional, but they may also assist in helping specific pages and content go viral. When you use colourful vocabulary that also relates directly to the subject at hand, people tend to share said content with their friends and acquaintances. The sharing may be traceable (such as through Facebook and other social networking platforms) or may occur outside your field of observation (such as emails between individuals suggesting they read your page). While no guarantees can be made as to whether your specific content will go viral or not, title tags can certainly help garner extra attention for your page and website – setting the stage for a potential viral campaign.


Title tags are a must-have for any page and should be optimized in order to receive the most attention from both viewers and search engines. By using creative language, describing exactly what the page in question offers and promoting your brand, you can gain the most from title tags and build your website’s audience and consumer base.

One comment

  1. Charles Goz
    January 12th, 2013 19:01

    The article fails to mention is that one must be careful when changing your title tag for better performance. Changing it might drop your rankings. So, do your research and use the appropriate title tag relavent to your website subject or content, and everything will fall into place.


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