How to Stop Social Oversharing

0 comments, 05/05/2013, by , in General

Social OversharingIf you are a blogger or entrepreneur, then you may have considered or already setup a social media presence for yourself in order to attract more followers. We have all been told that a key part in building any social strategy is to provide consistent updates, thereby giving reason for your followers to periodically check in and see what is new. But when does sharing become too much? We all know personal acquaintances who share too much, but the same can be said about certain people who are promoting themselves or a product. In this article, we will discuss the main examples of social oversharing and how to avoid them.

Avoid Personal Information

Maybe you are attempting to convey a certain image and cultivate a sense of personal bonding with your followers and readers, but this does not mean that you need to keep them informed of every little issue going on in your life. All personal information that is distributed through social media can be used against you, so it is not a good idea to do so based on that fact alone. Still, people are most likely following you because they are interested in what you are promoting, not what you had for lunch. Keep personal details about your day-to-day limited and only discuss them when there is a clear correlation between your suggestion or call to action.

Make Your Blurbs Meaningful

So you’ve vowed off sharing every little detail of your personal life. You are trying to come up with new content for updates – any content – in order to inject more relevance into your social profile. This can be the beginning of yet another crucial mistake: oversharing details that pertain to your business can make your status updates “cheaper”; nobody will take you seriously or pay attention after some time if you repeat the same updates consistently or otherwise send out messages on a very mediocre subject. If you’ve made some slight tweaks to the comments section of your website, great: but the whole world doesn’t need to know. By pinging your blog or website’s important updates only, you will gain more valuable attention each time a status update is made.

Be Careful of Details

Sometimes, oversharing doesn’t come in the form of providing too much information, but rather pertains to the type of information you provide. For instance, providing your personal email address via Facebook to your followers may seem like an innocent and direct way to encourage further communication. This can lead, however, to unintended consequences such as spam or attempts by schemers to gain access to your email and social media accounts. Be intelligent: if you were pinging your blog’s latest updates, you wouldn’t be providing your login credentials for the world to see. By limiting certain forms of information, you can mitigate any potential risks while also ensuring your followers are getting quality updates from you.

Oversharing can lead to disillusioned followers and potential identity theft issues. If you keep your status updates both consistent and consistently full of quality content, then you will not only foster the satisfaction of your readers, but will also protect yourself while serving their needs.

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