How to increase the delivery of emails: the best tricks and tips

0 comments, 14/06/2021, by , in General

Marketers are constantly working to improve the quality of email campaigns. They try to provide relevant content at the right time for strictly organized segments. But all these efforts will be in vain if your perfectly crafted emails suddenly end up in the spam folder. Today’s article provides a complete list of mandatory practices that will help improve the delivery of emails.

How to get rid of disinterested subscribers?

The first priority is to understand who is on your mailing list. This can help you with an email checker, which allows you to find non-existent email addresses. Maintaining a clean database is an integral part of any email campaign. What if you started using lists that you haven’t worked within a long time?

Follow these steps. They will increase your overall engagement level and your reputation as a mail sender.

First, send an email to the most active list.

Select the active audience in a separate segment and send them an email. The first submission will set the stage for sending the rest of the email campaign and increase the overall percentage of delivery and getting into the Inbox.












Unsubscribe dissatisfied subscribers as soon as possible

Unsubscribe the subscriber from the mailing list as soon as they receive a complaint. This can ruin your reputation and increase the number of emails that end up in spam.

Clean up the database by deleting inactive users

Constantly (for example, every month) clean the mailing list of inactive subscribers. If you send, for example, one email a week, then in 12 months, an inactive subscriber will have more than 48 emails from you — and he did not open any of them! This means that in the future, the subscriber will not return their interest in you. Or the user does not use this email address at all. And for us, this fact means that it can become a converted spam trap.

Delete ” bad ” email addresses

Get rid of emails with a non-existent domain from overflowing mailboxes and addresses that return hard and soft errors. This will improve the base, your image, and the performance of the entire mailing list as a whole and reduce the cost of email marketing. Modern services for sending mailings clear the database automatically after each sending of emails to these mailboxes.

What you can’t do?

  • Add a link to self-starting files, such as .exe,.zip., .swf, and others. Otherwise, the email tester marks emails with spam filters as phishing. They will be sent to the spam folder, or the account will be blocked.
  • Use JavaScript in emails. Most email clients block emails with this code or do not show the contents of the email. As a result, the email looks inappropriate and is sent to spam, and the sender’s account may be blocked.
  • Use the exact text in the text and HTML versions of the message. Spam filters track this.
  • Use bright font colors in the body of the letter, such as pure red or green. Usually, this range is used by spammers to attract attention.
  • Use one large picture in a letter, without text. This technique is popular with spammers who want to hide content from spam filters by placing text on an image. The text should take up 60% or more of the total volume of the letter, and the image should take up 40 % or less. And large pictures are better divided into two.

What you can do?

  • Specify the sender’s name that is associated with your company.
  • Place the unsubscribe link in a prominent place in each message. This will reduce the percentage of complaints. In addition, this is required by the law “On Advertising”.
  • Make sure that the design of the email template is noticeably similar to the design of your website and/or brand. Be sure to use the logo and corporate colors in the design of the mailing list.

Following these rules will help you avoid spam filters and increase your credibility in the eyes of recipients.

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