How to Connect With an Audience Through Your Blog Posts

Comments Off on How to Connect With an Audience Through Your Blog Posts, 16/06/2015, by , in General

Wireless ConnectionThe nature of the web today requires a seemingly never-ending amount of content in order to remain relevant and stay ahead of the competition. While some websites and brands can flourish with just a small amount of information that remains relevant over time, many websites have to consistently add new offerings in order to dominate in search and reach as many customers as possible. Some brands excel at reaching new customers through readers sharing their content across social media, email and more. In order for this to happen, though, your content must resonate with readers. Below, we’ll discuss how to connect with an audience through your blog posts and help ensure just that.

Address Their Weak Spots

Inside every reader is an insecurity or fault that they harbour, and it is your job as a writer or blogger to find that and use it to connect with them. Many health and beauty articles and posts, for instance, play on this type of logic. Instead of discussing how a particular product might work, the writer will instead opt to discuss the story of an individual who benefited from its use after suffering from low self-esteem or some negative experience. There are weak spots in just about every niche and subject when the topic is really analysed, so do not be afraid to experiment. The less technical and more personal the content can be made, the more impact it will have on the reader (and the more likely they are to share it).

Speak Personally

When trying to connect with an audience in a more meaningful way, the way in which you address them matters. Pinging servers with content that sounds as if it is written in the third person may work in some cases, but not for heartfelt pleas or emotional calls to action. In order to accomplish your goals, you’ll need to make sure to use the active voice instead of the passive voice. This means using a combination of the first and second person when discussing important topics, rather than using an impersonal third person format. Your readers only connect and resonate with what you have to say when it is clear that you care about the subject; using the first person goes a long way toward showing them that.

Start a Bit of Trouble

No popular or widely-shared form of content becomes such without a ton of useful information or some controversy. While pinging servers with information can often be successful, it is often much easier to use emotion to stir up a little bit of trouble. There is obviously a difference between crude controversy and expressing viewpoints that may be widely debated. By following the latter scenario, you can help create emotional discussions in which the waves ripple out across social media and beyond, generating more and more discussion as time goes on. From this, you’ll be connecting with many individuals who are taking part in the discussion – and to a lesser degree, even the ones who disagree, for they are now debating concepts on your terms.