How Local Search Boosts Mobile Purchases

0 comments, 30/05/2014, by , in General

Mobile ShoppingAs the internet continues to become more and more intricate in regards to e-commerce, thousands of brands are seeking to find ways that will boost exposure to new audiences and help them secure new customers. The largest brands in the world of e-commerce don’t have to try very hard; once you’ve made it in the world of online sales, it is rather easy to maintain a lead. Small and local businesses, however, have to fight for each page view and each online sale if they want to thrive. It turns out that local search is an ideal place to utilize for this, with the goal of attracting an audience of mobile users who are more likely to make purchases. We’ll discuss how local search can boost your mobile sales in the following article, so you can act to take advantage of this.

Higher Rates of In-Store Visits

Even if you do not have an online store or extensive web presence, targeting mobile users through local search will produce ample benefits. One of the biggest examples of this is the percentage of people who visit a store after finding it through a mobile, local search. When it comes to desktop and laptop users, 34% report that they visited the store within 24 hours of conducting their search. Fifty percent of mobile users, however, reported doing the same thing. By targeting mobile audiences – which now make up around one-third of all internet traffic – you can make tons of impressions and generate plenty of new possibilities for commerce.

Analysis While In-Store

You may be old-fashioned about helping others when they are in your store, but many people do not want to be harassed by a sales associate while in the store. Reports show that pinging users via mobile web pages can have a profound effect on in-store sales; nearly one in five shoppers in your store will attempt to find information on a product or service via a mobile device while in your store. If you are selling mass-produced products, then it may be easy for them to find information on the product elsewhere. If you are selling custom products or items not commonly found elsewhere, then having a website that appears in local search is essential in providing information and can boost sales.

Analysis While On the Way

Did you know that one in three people who search for a product or service via smartphone will do so right before they arrive at the store? The ability to find this information beforehand can play a key role in whether or not a consumer will purchase a product in your store. By having a basic web presence that performs well in local searches, you can convey information to consumers in a way that will save time for them and boost sales for your business. Since the prevalence of mobile search is only growing, this is an unavoidable fate and one you must consider to prosper in the long-term.


Local searches via mobile are an untapped gold mine in many areas, and for many small businesses who need to garner additional attention. Since consumers search for product information in-store and before they arrive, ensuring that you are pinging users with this via search engines can dramatically augment your foot traffic and sales alike.

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