How Does Evergreen Content Improve SEO?

0 comments, 26/04/2017, by , in Online Business, SEO

You can break down the contents of the internet into any number of unique categories. One of those comparisons evaluates the differences between evergreen content and seasonal content. Essentially, evergreen content is relevant information or news that does not necessarily expire or age with time; seasonal content may revolve around late-breaking stories and current events, and thus becomes less relevant over time. When building successful SEO strategies, many people do not consider the difference between these two types of content. Even if your brand revolves around seasonal content, evergreen content can have a lot of value as well. We’ll talk about how evergreen content improves SEO so that you can decide whether to use it.

Ensures More Content Remains Relevant

Websites that use seasonal content primarily find themselves in a position where they must be pinging search engines constantly with material that targets their niches. This is because the content sooner or later outlives its value and is devalued by search engines (thereby lowering a site’s rankings). With evergreen content, however, you can rest assured knowing that your content will remain valid and relevant for years to come, meaning that its prominence in search engines will not be jeopardized due to age or accuracy. You’ll still have to compete against others offering the same content, but its continued relevance is one less thing to worry about in the world of SEO.

Provides More Natural Keyword Opportunities

Evergreen content – as opposed to seasonal content – remains valid for long periods of time, if not definitely. As you add more and more evergreen content offerings to your website, you are given more opportunities to target specific keywords without using them in an unnatural way. Since this content will remain valid for much longer, its effect on your rankings in SERPs can be more profound. Additionally, you’ll find new opportunities for keywords in evergreen content that might not be available in seasonal content. All of this can help improve your SEO clout, whether it relates to keywords specifically or the quality of your content.

Presents More Offshoot Content Possibilities

Seasonal content soon outlives its value, making it more difficult to spin off relevant pieces of content from it. With evergreen content, however, you can continue to derive ideas and inspiration from the original piece long after its creation. From FAQs columns to Google Hangouts covering the topic, you’ll be able to convert one piece of evergreen content into multiple forms of content that appeal to every type of user. By converting a standard blog post into an infographic, a podcast and a video, you’ll have more forms of content – all of which will remain relevant for long periods of time.

On balance, evergreen content is superior to seasonal content with respect to SEO. This is because you can derive more unique forms of content from it, maximize long-term keyword opportunities through it, and worry less about the need to create new content to supplant eventual loss of value. There is a good chance you’re already producing some forms of evergreen content on your website, regardless of niche. Where do you think you can improve? Tell us below about what you think.

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